Patriots' Path Council - Black River District
Mount Arlington, NJ
Welcome New Scout Parents
Welcome Back Seasoned Scout Parents
Pack 60 would like to welcome you and your family to (or back to) Cub Scouting.

We would like to inform you of a few things about Pack 60. The Pack is run locally by adults who have volunteered their time and energy to bring the Cub Scouting program to the boys involved in Scouts. The Boy Scouts of America have trained us in how they expect the program to be handled. The rules governing us are followed by all Scout Packs and Troops. We work towards teaching the boys about the surrounding world through activity badges and Achievements that are listed in the different books of ranks.

First graders are Tiger Cub Scouts. They explore 5 achievements with den activities, family activities, and a "Go See It" outings. There are also many Electives to try their hand at. Tigers have an adult partner who attends all den and pack activities with their Tiger Scout. The adult partners take turns helping with den meetings.

The 2nd graders are exploring the world and earning their rank as a Wolf in the Cub Scouting program. They complete 12 Achievements plus have many Electives to earn. Parents are encouraged to give a hand as often as they can with different parts of the program.

The Bear rank is earned by 3rd graders. They will earn 12 of 24 Achievements plus have a range of Electives to work on. They are getting ready for the next step in Scouting by learning how to safely handle a jackknife.

Boys in the 4th and 5th grade are being prepared for Boy Scouts through the Webelos program. These Scouts will participate in more camp outs and other outdoor activities. The Webelos work on Activity badges which give them a taste of the Boy Scout Merit badge program.

Dens consist of boys of the same age. All the different age group dens comprise the Pack. Most dens meet every other week for 1 to 1 � hours.(Tigers meet once a month.) Once a month all the dens and their families get together at a Pack meeting to receive the awards they have been working on. The Pack meetings have different activities going on that promote good sportsmanship and are loaded with fun.

The uniform requirement for Cub Sccouts (Tiger, Wolf and Bear)
Cub Scouts need to have the blue uniform shirt with the appropriate patches sewn on. (Patriots Path Coucil patch on top of left sleeve and the numerals 6 and 0 directly under the  Patriots Path Council patch) The appropriate (Tiger, Wolf or Bear) cap, neckerchief and neckerchief slide.

The uniform requirements for Webelo Scouts
Webelos Scouts should wear the tan uniform shirt, Webelos cap, neckerchief and neckerchief slide. All boys should have their own book in the rank they are working on as some things need to be completed at home. The boys need to bring these books to every den meeting.


To make the program run smoothly, we have expectations of everyone involved.

To follow through on your commitment to become a leader to guide the boys through the ranks of Cub Scouts.

To keep communications open between yourself and the parents of the boys in your den with notes sent home or phone calls.

To plan out a program for the Scouts using the resources given to you by the Pack Committee. To explore and learn and have fun with the Scouts as they earn their rank.

To have den meetings at least every other week where the boys learn and explore and earn Achievements.

To attend monthly Pack meetings to hand out the awards the boys have earned.

To attend monthly Pack Committee meetings to keep abreast of what is going on in the Pack.

To ask parents of your boys to help out in the den with projects, supplies, field trips, etc.

To have your son wear the appropriate uniform to all den and Pack meetings or Scout activities.

To make sure your son attends den meetings � contact your den leader if the boys will miss a meeting so they know if they are coming or not.

To attend Pack meetings with your Scout so they have family there to cheer them on as they earn their awards they have worked so hard on. The entire family is invited to all Pack meetings.

To offer assistance to the den leader. There are countless ways that everyone can lend a hand to keep the dens running smoothly. The den leaders will let the parents know what they can do to help out.

To work with your son on any achievements that the den leader asks you to complete at home. Your support of the program is essential to keeping the boys interested in Cub Scouts.

To encourage the Scouts to stay with the Pack for the full year. It builds good character to finish what you started.

To follow the Boy Scouts of America�s policies and rules governing the Cub Scouting program.

To train the leaders according to BSA policies and keep them informed as to what the objectives of the Pack are.

To hold monthly Pack meetings containing different activities to stimulate and challenge the Scouts to explore numerous experiences.

To hold monthly Committee meetings to keep all leaders and parents informed of the Pack�s activities that are planned for the families and Scouts.

To hand out monthly newsletters (FYI's) to all parents of the Scouts of Pack 60 at Pack night.

To be available to answer all questions and concerns of anyone involved in the Pack. We are always looking for new ideas and activities to explore with the Scouts.


Pack 60 is self-supporting. We hold a popcorn sale fund-raiser in the fall to cover expenses of running the Pack. We may hold additional types of fund-raisers later in the year if finances warrant it.

We encourage the Scouts to participate in the fund-raisers. The profits generated from these sales provide the money necessary to run the Pack. The Pack  purchases awards and pins, Pinewood Derby kits for all the scouts, trophies, Blue & Gold supplies, training aides for leaders, and countless other supplies for the running of the Pack.

The Pinewood Derby race is a yearly event. The boys construct deby cars with the help of their parents. Every scout who enters receives a participation trophy. There are trophies for the fastest 3 cars, Best Appearing Car, Funniest Car, Most Original Car and Most Unusual Car. The Pinewood Derby is usually run in March.

The Blue & Gold Banquet is usually held in February. This is when the 2nd Year Webelos cross over to Boy Scouts. The Blue & Gold replaces Pack night for that month. It is a lot of fun for all scouts and we would like everyone to attend this special banquet in February.

The Pack Committee consists of all volunteer leaders and any interested parents who work together to plan out the activities of the Pack. All interested parents are invited to attend any Pack Committee Meeting.

We keep bringing up the fact of volunteers. The only reason we have the program that we have is because of volunteers caring enough to make everything work. We rely on everyone pitching in to keep everything going strong. If you can volunteer as a leader, co-leader or committee member, that would be great! If not, there are a lot of other ways to help out in the Pack. Just let us know what you can do, and we�ll gladly use the help you can give. We all want the best for the boys in the Pack. Thanks for helping us make Pack 60 the best that it can be for the boys of Mt Arlington! We�re glad to have you join us. Get involved and find out how much fun you will have learning and exploring the world with your son in Cub Scouting!

Thank You from the Pack Committee
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