Patriots' Path Council - Black River District
Mount Arlington, NJ

Each year during our rechartering exercises, the Boy Scouts of America will ask our Cub Scout Pack leadership team to make some specific commitments regarding the quality of our Pack's program for the following charter year. These commitments are in eleven (11) specific operational areas of Pack Program delivery. Then, during the rechartering exercises of following year we are asked to report on our performance against the commitments that were made the year previous.

The Cub Scout Pack National Quality Unit Award is granted to Cub Scout Packs that achieve a minimum of seven of those operational quality commitments out of the total of eleven. Completion of five (5) specific committments are manditory, plus at least two (2) additional commitments.

To see the Quality Unit form in PDF format, please click here.

To see the Quality Unit form in Word format, please click here.

When a Cub scout Pack earns the Quality Unit Award for a specific year, the pack is awarded a banner ribbon which is palced on the top of the pack flagpole. The youth and adult members are awarded patches which are worn on thier uniforms.
Below are the Quality Unit Award patches that Pack 60 has earned.
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