Cub Scout Pack 1680 - monthly award requests procedure


1. All award requests must be submitted by date specified on the Pack Calendar. Any award requests submitted after date that will not be accepted for that month's award presentation. 
2. “Tentative” award requests will not be accepted. If the Scout has not earned the award by the due date DO NOT REPORT IT.

Award requests need to be turned in as follows:

            Den 007 — Henry Bonds

            Johnny Scout - Climbing Tree Belt Loop , Pink Bead.

            Bobby Camper - Homework Patch, Smores Belt Loop, etc...

 Once all the award requests have been compiled, they are turned over to Scott Davis to enter into Pack Master, and then they are forwarded to Kelly Mueller. She handles all the purchasing and sorting. Final copy is sent to Pack Leader Roland Garza to be awarded at Pack Night.

Your cooperation in following these procedures will help ensure that things are processed smoothly and correctly.

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