Cub Scout Pack 1680 - blue & gold


Celebrate Scouting!!!

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell

The 2004 Pack 1680 Blue & Gold Banquet will be held at the Swinging Door on FM 359 on February 28 beginning at 4:30 PM.

Our meal will be catered by The Swinging Door and will include:

BBQ brisket, turkey, potato salad, coleslaw, beans, trimmings
hamburger and chips.

Drinks will be iced tea and lemonade.

Cost is $5 per person and must be submitted to your den leader by Feb 19.

Kent McAllister has offered to create a slide show for this event. Send him your pictures (preferably digital, not film) by Feb 19.

Each Family should bring a dessert of their choosing. We suggest that the Fathers and Sons prepare a dessert together.

Class A uniforms are required of all cub scouts and den leaders.

For more information, contact your den leader or Rhonda Nagai (281-232-6002).


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