Cub Scout Pack 1680 - family campout


The Family Campout is held annually in May in conjunction with the Arrow of Light (AOL) ceremony. This combined event has been held at Baumgartner's Pond, just west of Rosenberg an don the north side of the Brazos River.
All cub scouts and their family members are welcome to attend this event. The cub scout families are encouraged to set up their tents anytime after 1:00 P.M. Dinner generally consists of a hamburger/hot dog barbecue and is targeted for 6:00 PM to allow enough time to prepare for the Arrow of Light ceremony which starts at approximately 8:00 P.M.
Baumgartner's Pond is an excellent facility for this event. Along with the extensive space for the tents, there are two very large ponds, a rope swing and plenty of room to just run around. If a rainout occurs, the campout and AOL are always tentatively scheduled for the following weekend.
Pack 1680 serves two meals during this event, dinner on the Saturday and breakfast Sunday morning. In recent family campout events, the Wolf den has coordinated these meals. The second year Webelos den coordinates the AOL activities.
The following are event reports for the year indicated:
Mar 23-24, 2002

Hosted by