march 6, 2002

At last night's meeting, we discussed items for Pack 880 that will occur in the next month or two. Decisions were also made that will affect our Scouts for future years. These notes are a summary of those discussions and decisions.

My thanks to the people who took 2 hours from their busy schedules to attend and help make these decisions. Other parents had pressing matters and could not attend but sent needed information and requests. To any of you who just did not attend, you "missed a good time". Please mark your calendars and join us in the next meeting on April 2 at 7:00 PM in the Scout Hut. Your input is needed to make this the best scouting experience possible for our scouts.

Treasurer's Report
Jim Wenzel is our new Treasurer. New signatory cards were signed and all records transferred from Roger Ansted to Jim. Thanks, Roger, for the time you have donated as Pack Treasurer.

After several months of work by 3 parents, we received donation checks from BP (formerly known as BP-Amoco) for time and money donations as follows:
            $650     for employee Tom Cox Matching Time Donation
            $1080   for retiree Than Colvin Matching Donation

The donation for Tom Cox must be used for "Books, supplies and achievement awards" because that is what we said it would be used for on the application. This amount will be placed in the general activity fund for those purposes.

$1,000 will be placed in the general activity fund and used as a cushion. Hopefully our account balance will never dip below this mark, but it is there for use if our fund raisers slip one year. The intent would be to use it if necessary but to replenish it to the $1,000 level as soon as possible.

$80 will be placed in a Special Asset Fund. This may be used to help purchase a portable sound system for use in our Pack Night and other activities.

Proceeds from the volunteer Khol's Project will be placed in the Special Asset Fund. This will include time donations for which we will get a check from Khol's and the checks some parents have given in lieu of working a shift.

$650 from the general activity fund will be place in the Special Asset Fund.

Job Fair
Positions still open and needing volunteers are as follows:
Secretary (to handle these meeting notes and other duties)
Assistant Pack Committee Chairperson (to work with me during the next year, then     
            lead the Parent's Committee)

Descriptions of all Pack jobs will be posted on our Website very soon. Then you can review a summary to select the jobs you are most interested in filling.

Popcorn Sales
All scouts should now have their sales forms and literature to sell popcorn. If someone does not, contact your Den Leader. This is one of two fund raisers we participate in each year. This gives scouts experience in meeting people, talking to them about scouts and in selling. It also produces good revenue for the pack ($1,050 is our budgeted revenue estimate based on prior years' sales). Our pack receives about 30% of the total gross sales.

Parents, this is an excellent opportunity to get your stock of popcorn for the next year!

Arrow of Light Ceremony and Family Campout, March 23
Details of the AOL and campout have been supplied to each den leader. They are also being placed on our Pack Website. Please look there for more details.

An accurate camping head count and $5 per person for meals, needs to be given to your Den Leader by March 15th.

Scouting for Food, April 6
Planning is starting on this annual project. Nancy Wenzel, Den 2 Leader, will work with Ward Rivenburg, Den 3 Leader, to organize the project. Tom Cox will supply them information from last year's experience. Details will be furnished on our Website and supplied to Den Leaders.

Other Topics:
Awards -
Scout accomplishments and awards must be supplied to Carolyn Schneider by Monday March 18th. She will purchase them and have the items ready for the Arrow of Light on March 23rd.  
Magazines -
Richmond State School needs used magazines and books for their residents. They are adults and can use normal family adult magazines, craft books, etc. Start saving your magazines and wait for collection information soon. Roger Ansted is leading this project.
Website - Our Webmaster, Tom Cox, activated our website  more than a year ago but we have not made very good use of it. Renewed efforts will be made to add many items to this site to supply useful information about projects, due dates, current activities, calendar events, contacts, etc. Check it out at
Pack Activity Notebook - Each year, individual parents volunteer to lead our Pack in various activities and projects. A lot of knowledge is obtained and many times it has to be learned again by volunteers for the next year. There has been a lot of information passed on in previous years, but the system is not complete. We are now starting a program to ask each activity or project Chairperson to prepare Notes to pass on to future holders of that post.

The notes should contain details they think are pertinent from their experiences, costs of items, sources found, and anything that may be useful to the next person to take on this project. These notes will be posted on our Website and available to all interested Pack parents.

Please relay this information to people not yet on this distribution list. Also let me know any E-mail addressees to add to future notes.

Than Colvin
Pack Committee Chairperson and,
Temporary Secretary


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