Cub Scout Pack 1680 - tiger den


Dana Parker
Tiger Den Leader

Phone numbers:
Home: 281-342-0462

den 5

 I am in my 1st year as a Cub Scout leader. With the help of our Pack Committee and parents we hope to provide an enjoyable experience for the boys this year. Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or input.

How we are organized

The Tiger Cubs is a one year program designed for first grade boys and an adult partner. There is no formal advancement and meetings are held on a monthly basis. This program is built around themes, called Big Ideas, with suggested activities for the Tiger Cub, his partner and family for each idea. Since the Tiger Cub program is designed for First Grade boys the ideas are geared to their level. They are also arranged to help the boy and his adult partner interact together in a positive way.

The Tiger Cub Group is affiliated with the Cub Scout Pack. The Tiger Cubs may participate in as many activities as the Pack feels appropriate, but this participation should be geared to a first grader's level. All Tiger Cubs, their adult partners, and families are encouraged to attend the monthly pack meetings. The Tiger Cubs graduate into the Pack at the end of the school year.

The Tiger Cub Emblem is the head of an adult tiger and a tiger cub, symbolizing this program's emphasis on equal participation from the Tiger Cub and his adult partner.


Our pack requires a uniform from the WAIST UP ONLY. Please check out our Uniform page for more information.

Meeting Times and Places

The Tiger Den meets once a month. Pack meetings are also held once a month and are for all the boys in the pack along with their families (please come and have some fun).

The pack meeting is held at the Faith United Methodist Church, on FM 359.

Tiger Cub Program

Click here for more information (Adobe Acrobat file).

The Tiger Cub Motto is
"Search, Discover, Share"

The Tiger Cub Promise is
"I promise to love God , my family, my country, and to learn about the world."

The following is a list of the "Big Ideas" and their purpose.

Purpose: To provide a fun time for all Tiger Cubs and adults to get to know one another at the first Tiger Cub group meeting. Also, to provide a meeting format as an example of one way a future meeting can be run.
Purpose: To have fun together and in this way to help bring family closer together.
Purpose: To develop in your child an appreciation of the world around him, and an awe for its Creator. Also it will provide the basis for several hobbies and interests that may extend into the future. Perhaps most important, you are given the opportunity through this big idea to reinforce your own values about environment, energy, and even spirituality.
Purpose: This activity is designed to equip the child to deal with an emergency when there is no adult present. There are activities that will help him help others. In the expanding world of a first-grade boy, there are times that he is not under the immediate protection of a parent of other adult family member. His knowledge of emergency procedures will strengthen his self-esteem and self-confidence. In this big idea, you can discuss with your son how to react to strangers and persons whose motives are either not known or are unacceptable.
Purpose: Gives you a chance to explore your family's heritage, background, and structure. But it also gives you an opportunity to express to one another what makes you feel good - what makes you feel bad - all of you. It also aids in his understanding of other family members and their feelings.
Purpose: One of the underlying purposes of the Boys Scouts of America is to develop responsible citizenship in boys. This begins with an understanding of their community. As you explore your community with your boy and your Tiger Cub group, you will be giving your boy and others a better understanding of the environment in which they live. Boys will develop a deeper appreciation of their community and how it works.
Purpose: Helping others should be part of anyone's life, not only because it makes for a better world, but also because it gives good feelings to both the helper and the one being helped. Giving your boy a chance to help others enables him to learn that it is an important part of his life both now and in the future. It also lets him learn that helping others can be fun and rewarding. Helping others as a family or as a group makes the experience all the more fun and rewarding.
Purpose: This big idea gives you and your boy a chance to enjoy all the special places and activities in your area. Seeing these things as a family makes for enjoyable times for all. It allows your family to have fun together, and grow together as well. GO SEE IT!
Purpose: Transportation is a big part of everyone's lives. We travel to work, we travel on vacations. This big idea lets you and your Tiger Cub explore some of the many ways man travels from one place to another. As your boy learns about transportation, you can take the opportunity to explain how important it is to be on time, to be courteous to others. You can also plan activities that will help to make your family trips pleasant experiences for everyone.
Purpose: This is your own big idea. Pick whatever big idea your group wants. Let the boys play as big a part in this as the adults. Make it fun for everyone. Let your imagination suggest whatever it wants to. Make it the group and family happening of the year. What's important is that the boys and adults plan the big idea together. That way it belongs to you and your group. Come up with family activities and group activities, too.
Purpose: To help you and your boy explore the things that make your family unique, special, one of a kind. Take the opportunity to let everyone talk about those things that strengthen the family. It will help everyone develop more of a sense of belonging and pride. And the goal of this big idea is to make family bonds stronger.
Purpose: To help your boy develop a sense of pride and satisfaction by making all kinds of things. This big idea also will help him develop patience, perseverance, and initiative.
Purpose: Learning what is required to keep a home neat and clean is important for a first-grader. Part of the goal of this big idea is to help your boy realize that if everyone does his part to keep the home clean, neat, and fixed up it will be a happier place to live. In addition, some of the activities in this big idea are designed to give your boy a greater appreciation of all things that others do to keep the home in good shape. Lastly, an objective of this big idea is to help your boy learn to follow directions.
Purpose: Part of the goal of this big idea is to have boys learn to become both good winners and good losers as well. In addition, this big idea will teach them how to play by the rules and how to follow instructions. It also holds the opportunity for boys to develop patience as they work to solve a puzzle or invent a new game.
Purpose: Sport and physical fitness activities, even calisthenics, can be fun. Naturally, though these activities do more than just provide fun. They can make family members healthier as well as bring families closer together. Learning new sports can help give a boy more self-confidence and self- esteem. And if good sportsmanship and teamwork are emphasized, the boy will learn some important things that extend far beyond sports. But let's not forget what was said at the beginning. More than anything else sports and other physical fitness activities can spell fun for the whole family.
Purpose: Communication is a big word to a first-grade boy, but it is an important one. This big idea lets the boy learn some of the many ways people communicate with each other. It also has the goal of letting him learn how to communicate better with those around him. The activities are designed to make it fun and interesting.
Purpose: Tiger Cub groups are affiliated with a Cub Scout pack, and both the Cub Scouts and the adults who run the Cub Scout Pack are looking forward to having your boys join the pack after their time as Tiger Cubs. Cub Scouting will build on what your boy is learning and discovering as Tiger Cubs, BSA. This big idea will be carried out by you and your group and by your Tiger Cub Group Coach. Unlike the other big ideas in your Family Activity Book, this big idea is set up on an organized basis and is designed to be held at specified times of the year. Your Group Coach will contact you with details at the proper times. It is asked that as you take part in the various activities in this big idea, look over Cub Scouting. The program can do wonderful things for you and your boy.

Tiger Cubs wear a special uniform consisting of an orange Tiger Cub T-shirt, and a Tiger Cub hat. Please look at our uniform page for more details, and where to obtain them.

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