Packy's Pics
Latest and Greatest
This site is basically my online photo album, for all to see.  Check out my Galleries.  I'll try to keep this site up to date with my latest pictures.

3/14/03-Found some new options I didn't know about and re-formatted some of the pages (like this one).  Enjoy.

3/14/03-Just added a page of shots from the
Holland State Park.

3/12/03-I've put in some pictures of
Northern Michigan in the Miscellaneous section.

3/11/03-Just added a section from my
Ski Trip.

12/20/02-I've added a few winter pictures.  Look in the
Winter Section.

12/20/02-I've been published.  I got a shot of a mill fire published in
Firehouse Magazine

9/11/02-I've added a "
Clouds" section in the Misc. Gallery

9/8/02-Today I added my Vacation Gallery, Collage Gallery, and Miscellaneous.  All have pictures.  Take a look.

Click photo for larger.
Youth Group
My Info:
Name: Packy_27
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