The Harry Potter Informant
Hi!  Welcome to The Harry Potter Informant.  This site is to help those who want to know more about the Harry Potter world or who just need a brush up on there trivia.  On this site there will be many things including: character and actor bios, information about the movies, predictions for the later books, quotes from the books and movies, and general information about the books.  After we get everything up and running, hopefully we'll also have a trivia game and we may make an interactive site as well.  We have one that's for getting sorting and taking classes if you're interested.  It's not quite done at the moment, but when it is the link will be added here.  I might as well add the disclaimer now.  I DO NOT own any of the Harry Potter characters or have anything to do with them (besides reading the books and writing fanfiction) and I am not in league with any of the producers, directors, writers, WB, Bloomsbury, etc.  This site is merely for the enjoyment of others and myself and is not in any way getting profits from it.  I hope that covered anything.  Enjoy!

Guinevere Rose Calendar
Friday, August 13

Our site is built and ready for use.  We hope you enjoy!
Character Bios
About the site
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