Intro & History of the Pagan Peer Groups Welcome to the Canadian Pagan Peer Network web site. OK not quite its web site as I decided to simply add it to my personal web site to save me problems.

I am Jean-Marc AKA Pagan Owl and I will be your guide through the Peers Network.

First a bit of History about the idea of Pagan Peers.

Some years back Lee Bruce had this brilliant idea. She presented this at the first Ottawa Pagan Conference.

Her idea was this. For some people it is very easy to walk up to 30 strangers at a Pub Moot and introduce themselves but for other even walking up to 5 could be extremely intimidating.

The idea of the Pagan Peer Group was simple.

All of these things are designed to makes it much easier for the New person in the Community to make an easy integration into the Community.

Lee pitched the idea to the Ottawa Community at the OPC and some people volunteered to be Peers right away. It took about a year for it to go into full swing.

For example I have met 5 New people in the Community and helped them integrate easier. I do not know how many the other Peers have met but I know it as been quite a few.

Because the Ottawa Pagan Peer Group as been such a success some other cities have been thinking about reproducing this project in their own area.

Now I have decided to take this idea one step further. I am connecting all those interested in being Peers and creating their own Peer Group in their cities to Network through the Canadian Pagan Peer Network.

This will have three effects.

If you wish more information please visit the Question and Answer section below or send me an e-mail at [email protected]

Pagan Owl.

I invite you now to have a look at the following links to learn more about the Pagan Peers and Moderators.

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