Clicking on the Submit Lyrics link on the main menu - where (hopefully) you will be able to cut and paste text from your computer into the text box which will open.
Lyrics from the 50's and 60's


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Welcome to my brand new website!

I have created this website in my sparetime, for anyone who wants to find lyrics to some of their favourite songs from the 50's and 60's.

The content may be a bit lacking at the moment but I promise that I will be adding more lyrics as and when I find them!

But I am hoping that YOU will help to increase the content of this completely free website - by submitting any lyrics YOU may have for any of your favourite songs of the 50's or 60's?

To do this you can either:
Or you can send me them by email by clicking on the Contact Me link
I hope that you will enjoy using this site. But if you have any problems using it or want to make any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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