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1)  The Bible is God's literal, inspired Word; written by men who were led by God.  The Bible is not allegorical, but is completely truthful and inerrant

2)  The Trinity: We believe in the Triune Godhead: God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit. 

3)  Mankind is inherently sinful and undeserving of God's grace, but God has chosen to allow us a place in heaven if we believe in His Son's atoning death on the cross.   Salvation comes, as a free gift from God, to those who believe in His sacrifical death as an atonement for the sins of the world.  Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sin-free life, and performed miracles.  As prophesied, He was crucified and then arose after three days and now sits at the right-hand of the Father.

4)  Once you are saved, you are eternally secure.  God will chastise His children, but subsequent sins will not remove you from God's family.  Salvation however is not a "license to sin."   True believers who backslide will be dealt with by God, but they will remain His children.  Any teaching short of eternal security is based in works and a lack of true faith in Jesus' atoning blood.  If you want to abandon God, you were never really HIs anyway.

5)  Water baptism is not necessary for salvation, but is an outward sign of obedience and identifies a believer as such.  Baptism does not wash away sins.  Only Jesus' shed blood can wash away sins.

6)  We are to pray to God in the name of His Son, Jesus.  We are not to pray to or through "saints."   We are to confess our sins to God through Jesus.  Jesus is our intercessor to the Father.


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1)  No COMPLETE focus on angels or other beings.  Having content about angels is fine as long as it is obvious that God is your main focus.

2)  Site owner must be Christian.  You doNOT have to have ONLY Christian issues or materials on your site as long as you make it OBVIOUS that you are Christian.

3)  Webmaster agrees not to modify the webring graphic in any way.  We have linked it to a default, so as to not require a download for our members.  When the HTML fragment is sent to you the link is preinstalled and will show on your page.

4)  Your site must be free of links, webrings, or affiliations with websites or groups who support, contain or condone any of the following content: catholic teachings; angel worship, worship of Mary or other being(real or imagined); nudity; offensive language, images, or material; un-Godly music; psychic, horoscope, tarot; wicca, witchcraft; pagan; occult; fantasy creatures; un-Godly symbols; or any thing that may insinuate indirectly the list above.

5)  You must have code placed on your site within 7 days.

6)  You understand that the Ringmaster may at any time modify and/or add to these guidelines without prior notification.  If your site fails to meet new guidelines, we will first send and email notifying the member of the discrepancy, then if it is not correct the site will be removed.

7) Once you have completed the application the intitial HTML fragment will be emailed to you automatically.


If you agree with our statement of faith, and our guidelines please join this webring.


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