Being young we are painfully aware of issues regarding body image. How we look, how other people think we look. This does not change when we become pregnant. Pregnancy can be better or worse for our own body image. Some people are very happy and proud of their pregnant body and want to show it off in all its glory. Others are ashamed or unhappy and want to hide it. Sometimes this is because of public opinion ("she's too young to be pregnant"etc) especially if they are very young, other times because of their own feelings.

We all just have to accept that with a baby growing inside us we are going to gain weight. And we will get "fatter".
THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO GO ON A DIET! The pregnant body is beautiful and chances are that you are the only one who thinks you look horrible. It's natural to feel unattractive and a bit like a whale,but you really shouldn't. You are performing the most
important job in the world,
creating a new life. And you are doing it perfectly.
Of course there are the stretch marks (not everyone gets them, you might be lucky), the sore feet and the swollen ankles,but in 9 months it's over and IT IS POSSIBLE TO LOSE THE WEIGHT! You just have to be sensible. Don't expect to be like Elle Macpherson or Madonna who got back into shape within a few weeks, they train 24 hours a day and have personal trainers and stylists who are paid to make them thin! Some people are lucky and naturally lose the weight quickly.

If you are not one of these people
don't despair! Just eat sensibly and exercise. Exercise can be great fun, put the baby in the stroller and go out for a long walk. It's good to get out in the fresh air, baby will love it and you'll feel so much better afterwards.

And anytime you are feeling fat after the birth, just look at your precious baby (pick a time when they are not crying!) and ask yourself whether it was worth it.
Chances are you'll agree it was.
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