This Page Is About Me
I'm not really that important and not very many people
care so this counter probably won't be too high.
This is my sister's favorite picture.  No i was not eating crap, I'm sure that's just chocolate (I hope).
This is me back when I was cute (1982)
This is me with the lead singer of my favorite band, NOFX.  His name's Fat Mike and by the look of his 3 chins i'm sure you can tell why. 
This is me with the bass player from Limp (no bizkit).  He's real nice, one of the cooler people I've met that's in a band.   
Me at a wedding.
Me New Years.
Me at in my car.
Me at a bar in Chico.
A picture of me and my ex-girlfriend, Charise.  If you take the "A" and "E" out of her name it spells "Chris."
This is my ex-girlfriend Lizz (with 2 Z's).  Notice the collection of empty Diet Caffeine Free Cokes and 4 empty pizza boxes in the back?  I'm not a real neat person.
This is me up in Chico, CA last spring with my ex girlfriend, Jen.  Someone should teach her how to smile with teeth.
A picture of my ex, Emily and I at her house.
(The shirt doesn't say Snickers it says Punkers.)
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