The room was small, and everything was white, except the mirror. It was also silent, except for the

tap dripping into the small basin filled with water, and a scraping sound. The occupant was used to

silence, she had grown up with it, but things had changed. Before, the silence had seemed like a

relief, a time when she wasn’t being forced to do something or other, or wasn’t being punished for

not doing it quickly or well enough. The silence had been peaceful.


Now it just felt empty.


Cammy studied the edge of the cat pendant’s tail, tested it with her thumb. Still too blunt… She had

woken up on the transport briefly, unable to think well through the haze of drugs and pain. After a

few minutes, her thoughts cleared enough she could roughly piece together the events that had led

to her being strapped on a bunk in the transport vehicle. She cried silently when she remembered

Mark, and his death. She knew that they would take the necklace away from her, so she had

clumsily managed to hide it in her mouth.


Now she sat on her bed, sharpening the little cat’s tail into a keen edge on the white brick wall.


I know they’ll make me forget all this. She thought to herself. Mark, I don’t want to forget you, but I

can’t stop them. I’m sorry, I’m just too weak… She continued to sharpen her pendant.


Finally satisfied with the edge, Cammy managed to get off her bunk without jarring her broken arm

and hobbled over to her small sink, and looked in the mirror. She hadn’t tried breaking the mirror,

because she already knew it was made of some sort of flexible plastic, and didn’t shatter.


Cammy looked at her reflection, clean now, but still a mess. She was covered in bruises and

scratches, there were dark gray circles under her eyes, which were red from crying and all the

drugs they had pumped into her on the trip back. The streak of blood Mark had left on her cheek

was gone, but she could still see it there in her mind. Feeling calm and in control for the first time

since she had been recaptured, Cammy brought the pendant up to the side of her face.


Even if they make me forget, I will still carry a part of you with me, She drew the makeshift blade

down her cheek… Even if I forget what this scar means, Drops of blood fall into the basin, making

red patterns in the clear water.


In some way I will remember you.





Thank You for reading!








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