Carmen at 18 months

Ch. Paisleys Piece of the Action UD (L)
Ch. Matrix Paisley Silent Knight Nick ex Ch. Paisley Paradigm (L) Salem
Owned and handled by Carol Welles

Carmen finished her championship with 17 points & three majors, handled by her owner Carol Wells. She followed it up a few months later with her CD, earned with good scores. Carm earned her CDX the following year, in three shows, with scores ranging from 189 1/2 to 194, two 1sts and one 2nd place.

Carmen recently earned her UD and is now working as a Therapy Dog, and her calm friendly personality makes her perfect for the job!

Carmen is a full sister to our Sidney Ch. Paisley Parhelion (L) and is out of a litter sister to Morris Ch. Paisleys Pointblank (L). She has a champion brother "Dobie", as well as a champion sister "Gracie" who is the dam of champion and OTCH titled offspring.

Congratulations to Carol & Carmen on making it look EASY!

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