Paisley Dalmatians introduces "Marla" Am/Can Ch. Paisleys Cause Celebre CD
Head study of Marla

Show shot of Marla

Am/Can Ch. Paisleys Cause Celebre CD CGC
Am/Can Ch. Long Last Perfect For Paisley CD "Rob" ex Am/Can Ch. Paisley N Tucks Eureka (L) "Eloise"

1/24/91 - 6/10/00

Marla finished with a fine record which included a Group One from the Bred By Exhibitor class and BoW at a Specialty. She also earned an Award of Merit at DCA, and finished her CD in three shows at 8 1/2 years of age. Marla was smart, sensible, and easy to live with, and was a terrific PR Dal. She ran my household with an iron paw, but had wonderful dog sense and got along with everyone. Potential Dal owners always wanted a dog "just like Marla". Several of her champion offspring are proving to be excellent producers.

Marla retired to live with our friends Mike Sawyer and Joanne Hartman, and is dearly missed by all.

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