Reo winning and Award of Merit at DCA

Ch. Paragons REO Speedwagon CD
Am/Can Ch. Paisley Peterbilt Am/Can CDX, TT Jocko ex Paisleys Right On Target CD "Casey"
Breeders - Merrily Krueger & Sue MacMillan
Owners - Merrily and Dave Krueger

5/15/85 - 4/19/99

Never shown extensively, Reo had an exciting show career which included Best In Sweeps at DCA in 1986, as well as a DCA Award of Merit in 1987. She also had several Specialty BoSs from the Veterans class and earned her CD with good scores. Reo was always breeder/owner/handled by her best friend Merrily and is missed by her many friends and admirers.

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