1/48 Trumpeter Mig-15uti

by Busolini Massimo
This model from Trumpeter has a very good level of  detail.   I've wanted a 1/48 Mig-15uti for a long time now and Trumpeter has finally delivered.  The two seat cockpit are very well done and the level of detail encourages opening the transparent canopies to show it off. The model has been painted with Model-Master paints using both metalizer and non-metalizer.  Then my MiG was completely washed with some temper to show the differtent panels.  I had a lot of goals with this model and  it's very beautiful to see in the finished job.

Then after having applied the decals with the softener and after drying, I applied two coats of transparent varnish from Model-Master.  I finished the model by trying to show off the spars under the skin and some of the details on the canopy framing etc.

I have decided to use the markings for a Mig-15uti with Pakistan  air force, because I prefer the look over the Russian MiG-15.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my MiG!!!!!!!!!    Hi to all modellers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photos and text � by Busolini Massimo
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