Pal2Pal Kids
Welcome to Pal2Pal Kids!

This is a web site dedicated to bring kids from all over the USA and the world together as Peacekeepers and Friends.

Pal2pal is a way for kids to find an E-pal or a pen pal and start a long lasting frienship.

Keep in mind that in order to become a Pal2Pal Kid
you must be between the ages of 5 and 16 and you must be willing to write at least a letter a month to your new friend.

All kids must get their parents permission first before becoming a member!

Do you know someone that would like to have a pen-pal but doesn't have a computer?  Print off the snail mail form and have the child send it in.

We would like to welcome you and let the fun and friendship begin!
This is a Kids ONLY site!!  NO ADULTS! Except for maybe parents!
Click on one of the pictures below to start this great new adventure!
This site is run and maintained by the Linthicum family.  We would like to take this moment to introduce ourselves and what we do.  Mom got this idea after something Westley said.  So mom put together this web site and is going to play match maker.  Dad, well dad is just here for technical help really.   That and he sits  and watches mom telling him how proud he is of her.  Then there is Westley.  Westley is the idea behind all of this.  While watching tv one day Westley saw that you could send holiday greeting to the families that lost a loved one in the September 11 attack in New York and Washington, DC.  Being the caring child that he is he said "mom wouldn't it be neat if all those kids could know that they have friends all over the country and the world?"  "That way they would know that not everybody is mean and hateful."  Of course mom cried and than she went to work.  Then there is Kalleigh, who is only 4 years old but plays the biggest part in this family and web site.  She is the hope for the future.  She is the shining ray that tells us that things can be good and that there is hope as long as there are children in this world.  She is our hope that the children of the world today can learn to become friends and peace makers and unite everyone in one common bond and that is FRIENDSHIP. 
We would like to thank you for visiting this website and ask that you pass us along to a friend!

May there be Peace in all lands, Harmony in all homes, and Love in everyone's heart.

The Linthicum's
About Us:
Pal2Pal Kids where peace and friendship met and bond.
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