The Games:
The Legend of Zelda (original)
Not bad for a 80's game.  Big world, hard-to-find levels...
yep, I'd say this one will keep you buisy for quite some time. 
Rated: 10
The Legend of Zelda II: Link's Adventure
A relatively unknown game (probalby for the better of all of us!).  This one came out a few years after the first Zelda.  It's the most unique one I've yet to witness.  You meander around the counrty until you bump into an enemy, then you go to another screen where you actually fight about 20 enemies RPG style.  Not my favorite Zelda, I'll give it a 5.
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Link's Awakening/DX
The first Zelda for Gameboy.  It's black and white, but the gameplay makes up for it, what with its 8 levels and many subquests.  Nevertheless, the storyline is rather vague and bizzare, something about a wind fish egg or something like that...  But fun nonetheless.  Rating: 8
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