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Site Updated:: Jan 25, 2005

Latest news: My freeware runner for Adrift interactive fiction games, GtkScare, is now up to version 0.4, syncing with the latest version of Scare. Its got its own web page, learn more about it or download it here.

News (Jan 5, 2005): RiotBall ported to linux! Check it out at IronCode's website.

News (Nov 24, 2004): I wrote a cool breakout clone, RiotBall. Check it out, its a fun game. For those who don't know what that means, RiotBall is one of the best brick breaking games you will ever play.

News (Sept 28, 2004): A new version of my freeware chess engine, Natwarlal.

News (Sept 26, 2004): I wrote a runner for Adrift games. The runner, called GtkScare, is used to load Adrift text adventure games and play them. Its got its own web page, learn more about it or download it here.

News (May 29, 2004): A new version of my freeware chess engine, Natwarlal.

News (April 10, 2004): A new version of my shareware game, Last Man Standing. Check out this great Tank game.

This website is mainly a list of free/shareware software created by me, and some information on topics which currently interest me or interested me in past. If you have interest in the information or the software, please help yourself.

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Download fun games at IronCode | RiotBall | RiotBall Linux | Last Man Standing | RiotBall | BuransArts

All the content is copyright© of Pallav Nawani 2000-2004. You are allowed to republish/reuse it in identical or modified form for commercial or non commercial purposes provided you keep this copyright notice intact.
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