Ami's Panda Patch

Image Gallery

Giant Panda Art
Most of these images are fairly anthropomorphic but I have included them for the sake of variety and completion.

Click on the image to see an enlargement.

art_adopt.gif, 6K
Mascot for Adopt-A-Panda.
art_andy.jpg, 20K
An issue of Andy Panda, a comic book character of the 1960s.
art_geo.gif, 7K (transparent image)
The Geocities Panda.
art_four.gif, 3K (transparent image)
Giant pandas are usually depicted in art as being very round.
art_hug.gif, 33K (transparent image)
Two pandas and some bamboo.
art_pooh.gif, 4K (transparent image)
art_stamp.gif, 3K
Panda depicted on a Chinese postage stamp.
animation_ranma.gif, 4K (transparent image)
The panda from the Japanese cartoon Ranma. His name is ... Genma? This picture was created by and belongs to Noriko. You can visit her site to find other pictures of this panda or pictures of real pandas.
animation_dance.gif, 8K
Do the bamboogie.
animation_face.gif, 675b
The many moods of Panda: happy, sad, and hungry.
animation_look.gif, 855K (transparent image)
I spy bamboo.
animation_love1.gif, 29K
Panda Love 1.
animation_love2.gif, 45K
Panda Love 2.
animation_skip.gif, 20K (transparent image)
Giant panda jumping rope.

Ami's Panda Patch,
Questions? Got a(n) picture/image to add to this gallery? E-mail me: [email protected]

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