Ami's Panda Patch

Image Gallery

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kiga_slide.gif, 29K
kiga_curve.gif, 14K (transparent image)
"Watch out!" (still).
kiga_curveanimated, 24K
"Watch out!" (animated).
kiga_back.gif, 6K (transparent image)
"Don't talk to us."
kiga_couple.gif, 5K (transparent image)
"I told you not to play with that glue."
kiga_eyes.gif, 2K (transparent image)
"I'm watching you..."
kiga_fly.gif, 2K
kiga_hat.gif, 20K (transparent image)
"Like my hat?"
kiga_headstand.gif, 4K (transparent image)
kiga_stack.gif, 10K(transparent image)
kiga_trampoline.gif, 70K (transparent image)
"I think I'm developing a stomachache..."
kiga_tumble.gif, 26K (transparent image)
kiga_turn.gif, 2K
"And around and around and around..."
kiga_windup1.gif, 5K (transparent image)
"Wind me up!"
kiga_windup2.gif, 6K (transparent image)
kiga_apple.jpg, 15K
kiga_rice.jpg, 24K
"Yum yum."
kiga_bread.jpg, 8K
"Yum yum yum."
kiga_donut.jpg, 8K
"Yum yum yum yum."

Ami's Panda Patch,
Questions? Got a(n) picture/image to add to this gallery? E-mail me: [email protected]

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