Paparazzi Glantri

Etiquette for Social Gatherings

Do attend all affairs you are invited to, despite the common fact that it would probably be a trap or a piece of some elaborate Glantrian scheme.

Do not attend a party you are not invited to, unless you are a high ranking powerful noble with a large dominion and a Prince who supports you.

Do dress in formal attire, gowns and robes, when attending Glantrian parties and balls. Arriving in armor runs the risk of being mistaken for a doorman or guard.

Do not dress in suits of armor, unless it is a gladiatorial-themed Caurenzan masque, in which case, your armor must not have blood from your latest adventures.

Do powder yourself albino-white or dye your hair golden-blond in flattery of Prince Malachie du Marais or Princess Carlotina Erewan, respectively. (But please, don’t do both!)

Do not magically shrink yourself to Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz’s height or hide your arm inside your shirt in imitation of Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels or Prince Harald Haaskinz.

Do cast minor cantrips and alteration spells to enhance your looks for an evening of festivities.

Do not cast elaborate illusions to drastically change your appearance, as many Glantrians can easily see through them—or worse, would dispel such magical disguises leading to much embarrassment.

Do inform you host of any dietary restrictions beforehand. Glantrian are very mindful of culinary sensibilities and are aware of people’s allergies to chicken, yak’s milk, and rhemorhaz meat.

Do not miss out on unique Glantrian cuisine, such as the haggis, grab grass salad, and cockatrice au vin.

Do not be afraid of the undead who serve you champagne and canapé. Many wizards employ them as they are easier to create than golems and magen.

Do treat such creatures as such: undead and constructs. Conversing with them, sharing jokes and intimacies will not be viewed favorably by Glantrians.


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