Paparazzi Glantri

Etiquette for Spellcasting

Do cast the flashiest, most spectacular of spells, with the greatest pomp and the most flair, in order to impress the magic-loving Glantrians.

Do not display any effort or strain in casting such dweomers. Only spellcasting without nuisance could ever be deemed worthy of attention by the Glantrians.

Do be nonchalant or even blasé when witnessing a complex spell being cast, or when casting a complex spell yourself.

Do not ignore or snub a wizard casting such a spell, as this may be taken as an insult, and the next spell may be a complex version of fireball directed towards you.

Do use only spell components of the highest quality in Glantri. Glantrian wizards can tell the difference between a wall of ice spell cast with a rock crystal and one cast using a flawless Boldavian diamond.

Do not expose unsavory spell components in public, as it is considered rude to be caught playing with bat guano or having vampire blood underneath the fingernails.

Do refer to Glantrian spells by their Glantrian names, such as deathfire’s rapture for fireball and frost’s palisade for wall of ice.

Do not call out the names of all the spells being cast in an attempt to impress people with your vast knowledge of spell lore. For one thing, not even the archmages of Glantri can ever correctly identify all magical spells. For another, the next spell you identify might be your own strike of doom spell.

Do take care with eponymous spells to always credit the author properly, such as Brannart’s acidic grip, Margaret’s stern command, or Harald’s counterflowing currents. These archmages are very sensitive of their fame and repute, and have the deadly power to back up their often inflated egos.

Do not attempt flattery by naming each common spell of fire magic after Prince Vanserie of Bergdhoven, or every simple necromantic spell after Prince Morphail of Boldavia. Worse, don’t name your memorized spells after yourself, only because you use them often enough.


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