Paparazzi Glantri

Etiquette for Nobility

Do refer to nobles using their highest rank of nobility, most often as a Prince.

Do not refer to nobles using all their titles and ranks. Many Glantrian nobles will not appreciate the Alphatian style of reference using numerous epithets and titles—except perhaps the Alphatian nobles of Blackhill.

Do not cringe, cower, or grovel when presented to a Prince of Glantri—at least, not any more than  the retinue of professional sycophants, who do this for a living.

Do cringe, cower, and grovel before a Prince of Glantri if you have offended in even the most miniscule of ways. Glantrian Princes hold much power is society, politics, and magical circles, and have no qualms in exercising them, even on a whim.

Do familiarize yourself with all the Glantrian nobles, past, present, and future, their rank and dominions, their noble houses, allies and foes.

Do not ever mistake one Glantrian noble for another. One poor soul who mistook Signora Lucrecia di Malapietra for Signora Letizia di Malapietra was petrified on the spot, while one sorry fool who referred to Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft as Duke when he was already Archduke was promptly disintegrated.

Do treat all wizards as if they were nobility. In the magocracy that is Glantri, many Glantrian wizards are prone to delusions of grandeur, more so than elsewhere in the Known World, and it would be safer to assume they are nobles than otherwise.

Do not presume all mundaners to be commoners. Though only wizards can be nobles, many noble houses have non-wizards within their ranks, and by affiliation, these mundaners can be more powerful, and thus, more dangerous, than the common Glantrian wizard.

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