Paparazzi Glantri

The Millennium Princes

“At the turn of this millennium, the Council of Princes is at its most glorious. History shall remember us, the Princes of the Millennium, as the greatest Princes who ever ruled Glantri.”

—Prince Volospin Aendyr, Chancellor of Princes in AC 1000, in a rare moment of unprejudiced nationalism

Étienne d’Ambreville, Prince of Nouvelle Averoigne

Who better to start our parade of Princes than Le Prince Magicien? Prince Étienne is probably the most celebrated personality in all of Glantri next to Lord Alexander Glantri, with the Patron Immortal Rad in close competition. He witnessed the founding of the Principalities, established the Great School of Magic, and ruled Nouvelle Averoigne for a good two centuries. Most recently, he valiantly defended his nation in the Wrath of the Immortals War, after which he mysteriously disappeared. But, as with the rest of his eccentric family,  Prince Étienne does have an annoying habit of mysteriously disappearing for decades at a time. Rumors and legends abound of his being alive and making appearances in Glantri’s time of need. Ruled AC 845-1009.

Jaggar von Drachenfels, Prince of Aalban

No other Glantrian Prince has been as dynamic and actively participating in the wars and conflicts in Glantri—both on the battlefield and off it. The proud inheritor of the Aalbanese military legacy, and the bearer of the honorary title of Warden of the Marches, Prinz Jaggar has led Glantri into one glorious victory after another. But, glory is not without its price. A string of personal tragedies has befallen the brave Prinz Jaggar, including the sudden death of his beloved wife, Frau Gertrud, the unsavory end of his romance with Princess Dolores Hillsbury, and the devastating loss of his right arm in the duel against the Golden Khan of the Ethengar. Ruled AC 983–present.

Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany, Prince of Boldavia

The dark and mysterious Boldavian Prince has been subject of many old wives’ tales, as well as of many young maidens’ fantasies. The truth of the matter is, the romantic figure (often said to be a nosferatu) is actually the seventh in a line of long-lived Boldavian rulers, all named Morphail by tradition. Of course, the uncanny resemblance of each son to father is nothing remarkable, considering how inbred the Boldavian nobility is. Even the Prince’s eccentricities (attributed to his being one of the undead) are actually just caused by the thinning of Traladaran bloodlines. What would be remarkable is their staunch and successful governing of such a cold and sinister region of the highlands. Ruled AC 944–present.

Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias, Princess of Belcadiz

La Princesa de Belcadiz is perhaps the most loved and definitely the most popular of Glantrian Princes of all time. She is a paragon of feminine grace and inner strength, for elves and women alike. She is unmatched in wielding the sword and the spell. She is ideal of the culture, education, and sophistication in all of Glantri. And that she is a most capable ruler and politician is certainly above question. Perhaps the only thing that could tarnish her shining star is the many faux pas and disasters that grace her notoriously wild parties at the capital. But because of the entertainment the Glantrians derive from such social scandals, perhaps we love her all the more. Ruled AC 991-present.

Carlotina Erewan, Princess of Erewan

For those old enough to remember, there was actually a time when one could be proud of being from the elven Principality of Erewan, more so for being its ruler. But, alas, these frail tree-loving elves were not built to be enduring, especially if what happened to the great Canolbarth Forest is any indication. Princess Carlotina, once of the golden heart and the sunshine smile, is now commonly referred to as, “the other elven princess.” She has grown from being cheerfully boring to depressingly dull, having seen the glory days of her dominion tarnish and fade away, like too much counterfeit gold and peroxide hair. Ruled AC 983-present.

Innocenti di Malapietra, Prince of Caurenze

It has recently been confirmed by the Paparazzi (at the cost of the lives of several correspondents) that Prince Innocenti is alive and doing well in Sirecchia—at least, as well as a tragic prince of a ruined principality could be. But Prince Innocenti has always hated his family, and feared that everyone around him was wishing his downfall and plotting his death. It believed that Prince Innocenti used his mastery of earth magic to summon the Great Meteor from the heavens to fall on all his enemies, thus destroying his dominion, and even neighboring Blackhill.  Perhaps now that the Malapietras are all gone, and life in Caurenze dead, perhaps now, the Prince can finally find peace and sleep the sleep of the innocent. Ruled AC 991-1010.?

Brannart McGregor, Prince of Klantyre

What can actually be said of Prince Brannart that can be confirmed (or denied)? The most reclusive of all Glantrians Princes that none of the Paparazzi Glantri have even seen him ever. That he has been long dead, that he is undead, that he died recently, are all that is commonly said of the Unseen Prince. And his schizophrenic family is in no position to dispel the confusion. For all we know, Prince Brannart is just a figment of our imagination, a hoax, or a fabricated political entity to sit as Prince until a more suitable ruler of Klantyre comes along. (Not that the present Prince is what many would call suitable...) Ruled AC 960-1015.

Jherek Virayana IV, Prince of Krondahar

That Glantrians love the exotic and hate the foreign—though sometimes these may be the same things—can be proven with their love-hate relationship with Prince Jherek, the Ethengar Prince of Glantri. Prince Jherek is a wizard and a noble like many Glantrians (or even more so, at times). At the same time, a foreigner with strange appearance and even stranger beliefs and traditions. And there are some things about Jherek (his chauvinistic attitudes, for one!) that offend Glantrian sensibilities. Prince Jherek believes that under his rule, the Ethengar have arrived in Glantrian society. But much of Glantri still feels that to be Krondaharan is to be too weird and alien for acceptance. The stuff of dreams—or nightmares! Ruled AC 985-1015.

Volospin Aendyr, Prince of Blackhill

To put it simply, nothing good can be said of the Prince Volospin Aendyr. Descended from the Alphatian traitor and failure Halzunthram, Prince Volospin was the cruel despotic ruler of an evil and decadent people. In the Great War with Alphatia, Prince Volospin revealed his utterly misguided loyalties and sided with the enemy. Perhaps his only beneficial contribution to Glantri was his fathering Princess Dolores of Fenswick by Duchess Margaret Hillsbury—a task even the bravest men of  Glantri shudder at the mere thought of! No disrespect to the dead (who we know cannot defend themselves from slander and mud-slinging) but Glantri is a better place with Prince Volospin and the Blackhill Alphatians gone. Ruled AC 972-1006.

Vanserie Vlaardoen XI, Prince of Bergdhoven

How can such a hateful, detested, loathsome, despicable, abhorrent man—such as Vanserie Vlaardoen—become a Prince of Glantri? First, he must be a very powerful wizard, a master of his element, wielding magic so potent it could destroy whole continents. Next, he must rule a race of people, whose fiery contempt and furious revulsion of everything not of their own can only come from not being of this world. And last, he must hold just as much hate, detestation, loathing, despising and abhorrence for others, as the other Princes hold for him. Ruled AC 972-1009.

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