Paparazzi Glantri

Rumors About Fenswick

“There is nothing particularly Fenswick about Dolores Hillsbury, not her doubtful lineage, not her affectation for Fenswick tea. What Fenswick needs in a true Fenswick ruler who will care for the Principality and its people.”

—Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Archduke of Westheath, Fenswick compatriot and rival of House Hillsbury

The Paparazzi Glantri was recently invited to proper tea at the city apartments of Duchess Dolores Hillsbury, Princess of Fenswick, where the charming Princess discussed and dispelled—and dished out—gossip about her Principality and her rule, over crumpets and tea.

Rumor: Princess Dolores Hillsbury of Fenswick is an evil black dragon in human form.

Truth behind the Rumor: This rumor probably sprung from the fact that Princess Dolores’ mother, Duchess Margaret Hillsbury, was often referred to as “The Old Dragon of Fenswick.” Princess Dolores is upset by the rumor, not so much for her own reputation, but for the disrespect it does on the memory of her late mother.

“I cannot believe that such impertinence and lack of respect has outlived my mother, and is now haunting me. She was a very dear and sweet woman, who was often misunderstood. It took a great man like my father, Prince Volospin Aendyr, to see through her tough façade and give her the love and understanding she needed.”

As to Princess Dolores being a dragon lady herself, she admits that sweet and naïve that she used to be, upon entering Glantrian politics and having to deal with hard-liners like Prince Morphail, cold fish like Princesa Carnelia, and even her emotionally closed past lover Prinz Jaggar, Princess Dolores has learned to “grow fangs, claws, a tough hide, and perhaps a fiery breath as well.” She was speaking figuratively, of course.

Truth behind the Truth: Princess Dolores is the Queen of the Night Dragons, Synn, in human form. Night dragons, although similar to black dragons in appearance, are closer to red dragons in abilities. (Some say nights dragons were once lawful ruby dragons corrupted by the Immortal Atzanteotl.) Duchess Margaret Hillsbury was indeed a dragon lady in Glantrian politics, earning her the nickname “The Old Dragon of Fenswick.” This was perhaps one of the things that caught Synn’s attention, when she chose to masquerade as the daughter of the Fenswick Duchess, to gain entrance into Glantrian political affairs.

Rumor: Princess Dolores is an evil vampire.

Truth behind the Rumor: At this point of the interview, Princess Dolores stood up, drew the curtains of the sitting room, and stepped into the afternoon sunlight to prove a point. “Oh, would you still like to drive a stake into my heart?,” she offered wittily. The correspondent, of course, declined.

“Oh, and please don’t ask me if I’m the Immortal Tarastia or Valerias in mortal guise, because if I were, I wouldn’t tell you,” Princess Dolores added, and then being a bit risqué joked, “Unless of course, you would like to become my high priest and worship me!”

Truth behind the Truth: Princess Dolores is not a vampire. As the  Queen of Night Dragons, she is near-Immortal in status and is somewhat familiar with the ways of the Immortals. In the past, she has met with some opposition from Tarastia, the Immortal of Justice and Punishment—but no more so than from other lawful Immortals. Dolores mentions Valerias just to be frivolous, but has had no real dealings with her.

Rumor: Duchess Margaret was barren.

Truth behind the Rumor: “Am I not living proof enough of the contrary?” asks Princess Dolores candidly. “Perhaps my mother was confused with my Aunt Augusta, who was married to Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, and was later divorced for bearing no children after a decade of marriage.” (Lord John, with his second wife, later proved to be quite virile for an old man and had four children.)

At this point, the Paparazzi correspondent politely corrected Princess Dolores’ error. (“Augusta? Surely, I said Agatha. I must often confuse her name with my uncle Matthew’s wife.”) 

Princess Dolores sweetly adds, “At least, my resemblance with my mother—and my father—is quite obvious (not like certain other noblewomen whose daughters have a radically different hair color from them.)”

Truth behind the Truth: Lady Margaret Hillsbury (including her sister Agatha and brother Matthew) were indeed infertile, due to the experimentations of their father, Lord Edward Hillsbury, into the Radiance. Thus Lady Margaret did not and could not have children. This is not a widely known fact, and is only known to Lady Margaret’s personal physician and Princess Dolores’ archenemy, Prince Malachie du Marais. And Matthew Hillsbury’s wife is named Elizabeth.

Rumors: The two great noble houses of Fenswick, House Hillsbury and House Beaumarys-Moorkroft, are at odds with each other, politically and otherwise.

Truth behind the Rumors: Princess Dolores sadly admits that this is quite true. Although Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft was once a staunch ally of compatriot Lord Edward Hillsbury, the first Fenswick ruler of Fenswick, Lady Margaret’s father and Princess Dolores’ grandfather, and even proposed marriage to Lady Margaret, although ended up marrying Agatha Hillsbury.

But since Lord John divorced Agatha, and he rose to the rank of Duke, becoming peer and rival with Lady Margaret, relations between the two Houses have been strained.

Truth behind the Truth: Everything stated is quite true. The ambitious Lord John has been positioning and maneuvering his political stand with House Hillsbury since the start of his career, first with Lord Edward, then against Lady Margaret, and next  against Princess Dolores. Princess Dolores herself is not above toying with the Fenswick politician either. This is all part of business-as-usual in Glantrian politics.

Rumors: A ruthless rivalry has recently erupted between House Hillsbury and House Marais.

Truth behind the Rumors: Princess Dolores clearly had an answer for this rumor ready. “House Hillsbury is not at odds with House Marais any more than it is with other Houses of Glantri. Politically, we may not see eye to eye, but House Hillsbury must first protect the interests of Fenswick and Glantri. Personally, how can I be enemies with the brother of the man I love?” It is a popular fact that Princess Dolores is now showering her romantic attentions on the charming socialite, Noussoir du Marais, younger brother of Prince Malachie du Marais.

Truth behind the Truth: Prince Malachie has learned of Princess Dolores’ true nature and does his best to stop her evil intents. Likewise, Synn tries to foil Prince Malachie and stirs trouble for House Marais. While Princess Dolores and the Prince’s brother, Noussoir, are indeed lover, it is a less known fact that Prince Malachie and Noussoir are not real brothers, and do not get along. Noussoir tries to undermine the Prince’s power by spreading nasty rumors and nastier truths about him, as well as providing Princess Dolores valuable information.

Rumors: Princess Dolores loves crumpets and tea, and makes her own crumpets, which are the best in the Known World.

Truth behind the Rumors: “While nothing beats our crumpets in Fenswick, I must admit that I don not make them myself. Our cook at Fenswick Keep prepares them using a secret family recipe of the Hillsburys,” Princess Dolores humbly states.

“Oh, but I do love crumpets and tea very much!” she adds.

Truth behind the Truth: Even this bit of trivia is a lie. Princess Dolores does not particularly like crumpets and tea, but finds that this common notion endears her to nobles and makes her appear more Fenswick. The Hillsburys do have a family recipe for the best crumpets but Princess Dolores does not have it. (It was actually stolen by Agatha upon her sister’s death in AC 1010.)


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