Paparazzi Glantri

Rumors About Morlay-Malinbois

“He keeps us misinformed about his lycanthropic nature. Rad only knows what other matters he has lied to us about.”

—Lady Dolores Hillsbury, Princess of Fenswick

The Paparazzi Glantri was previously scheduled to meet with none other than Dame Diane de Moriamis, wife of Prince Malachie of Morlay-Malinbois. At the last minute, the elusive Madame la Vicomtesse had to cancel. A Spokesman for House Marais, Dame Vivienne LaRousse, had to speak in her stead.

Rumor: Prince Malachie du Marais is the White Wolf of Morlay.

Truth behind the Rumor: Prince Malachie has also been said to be a renegade cleric, the last of a race of blind albinos from ancient Blackmoor, a vampire, and an Immortal in mortal disguise. Perhaps the closest of these is that he is an enigmatic creature from another world—as he comes from the Laterre, the old world of the d’Ambrevilles, where wizards were persecuted by the Inquisition.

That so many rumors about Prince Malachie’s identity alone has spread throughout the Principalities only goes to show that the Prince is clearly in control of the rumor machine, and wisely uses it for his own purposes—if only to confuse his political rivals. The Spokesman for House Marais had this to say, “Rumors of this nature have been spread, not only about Prince Malachie, but almost every other Prince of Glantri. That he is a werewolf is as true, as say, Princess Dolores being an evil dragon in human form.”

Truth behind the Truth: Prince Malachie is the White Wolf of Morlay, journeyed to Mystara with Prince Étienne d’Ambreville, to escape the Inquisition of wizards and sorcerers in Old Laterre. And Princess Dolores is an evil dragon in human form.

Rumor: The Principality of Morlay-Malinbois is a realm filled with werebeasts, humanoid animals, and other feral and dangerous creatures.

Truth behind the Rumor: Northwestern Glantri, where Morlay-Malinbois is situated, is an area of rich forests and swamps, and thus, has very rich woodland flora and fauna. The territories in around the Barony of Morlay and the Viscounty of Malinbois used to be favorite hunting grounds of many wealthy Glantrians, most from nearby Averoigne, until the Principality was set up for the specific purpose of domesticating and cultivating such wild lands.

It is an undeniable fact that the forests of Morlay-Malinbois are full of wolves, hence the names of the towns and cities, such as “Loupmont.” But there are ordinary varieties of wolves and other wild beasts and hardly werewolves.

The Spokesman of House Marais further explains, “A so-called ‘Principality of Werewolves’ could not exist because it would mean the populations of normal humans, domesticated animals and other wildlife would simply be eradicated, and these so-called werewolves would be spreading all over Glantri! Such a situation would simply be impossible!”

“And another thing,” adds Dame Vivienne, “Any scholar of monster lore can tell you that the different werecreatures do not get along together, much like their ordinary animal counterparts. They could not possibly co-exist in one small territory without killing each other off!”

As to the monster population in Morlay-Malinbois, Dame Vivienne admits that there are some reports of lycanthropes in the area, but no more than in the rest of Glantri. Lupins and rakastas though are quite unwelcome as they are often mistaken to be werecreatures themselves.

Truth behind the Truth: The Principality of Morlay-Malinbois, known as The Principality of Free Wolves among the more knowledgeable elite, does has a majority population of werewolves and other lycanthropes (mostly those that get along with the werewolf majority, though all kinds are represented). Prince Malachie has several governing bodies, such as La Confrérie des Loups, Le Tribunal des Loups, and other secret sects and public groups, which help keep the werewolves and their practices in check. Even then, the White Wolf has a very tenuous grip on all these affairs and the threat of werewolves and lycanthropy spreading into the rest of Glantri is very real and very possible. Lupins are unwelcome in Morlay-Malinbois because of their hatred of werewolves. 

Rumor: Dame Diane de Moriamis, former Vicomtesse de Malinbois and wife of Prince Malachie, is being impersonated by another woman who has taken her name and identity.

Truth behind the Rumor: Madame la Vicomtesse who has for centuries appeared as an aging, portly and thoroughly unattractive woman, she was finally restored to her beautiful voluptuous youthful looks. This is due to some form of rejuvenating magic which Prince Malachie presented to her as a wedding gift on their marriage in AC 1005. Dame Diane has since been thoroughly enjoying herself at all the social events of the Sylaire nobility, who are absolutely agog at her new figure. Whether Dame Diane will share the secret of her youth in a burning question among the haute société.

Truth behind the Truth: Dame Diane de Moriamis, the old, obese, obnoxious woman whom Prince Malachie married for a political alliance has retired from politics, retired from society, exiled herself to Château Malinbois since AC 1012. She has not been seen since. Conveniently and probably not coincidentally, at around the same time, the beautiful time-traveling sorceress named Moriamis (presumed to be the grandmother or great-grandmother of the Vicomtesse) found her way to this time and place, and presented herself to the Sylaire nobility, most of whom she already has good relations with since Old Averoigne in Laterre. Prince Malachie and Moriamis found a mutually advantageous arrangement, posing as husband and wife, allowing each to pursue their personal goals—including romances—in luxury and at leisure.

Rumor: Prince Malachie du Marais and Dame Geneviève de Sephora, Comtesse du Touraine, are bitter enemies.

Truth behind the Rumor: “Sad to say, this is quite true,” said the Prince’s Spokesman. “But it must be clarified that their rivalry is in no way personal in nature. Although both nobles are unquestionably loyal to House Sylaire, Monsieur Le Prince and Madame La Comtesse have been in disagreement on a political and economic matter since the enfeoffment of their territories. You see, the export of good and materials from Morlay-Malinbois such as lumber, pelt, and meats, and even quality products, such as silver, obsidian and jewelry, necessarily passes the trade routes through the County of Touraine, which imposes a sizeable import tax on market goods, and a compounded tariff on luxury items and finished products, due to Touraine’s local economic system which follows the Darokinian paradigm of mercantile...”

Truth behind the Truth: In Old Averoigne, Dame Geneviève’s father was killed by a great white wolf, believed to be the White Wolf of Morlay. Since then, she has devoted her life to finding her father’s killer, whom she believes to be Prince Malachie du Marais. Over the centuries, Dame Geneviève has found many clues and facts about Prince Malachie, the White Wolf of Morlay, and her father’s killer, but she has still not been able to fully confirm the truth, nor effectively capture Prince Malachie and bring him to trial. As the time passes, the event and the memory of her father’s death become farther and obscurer, making it more difficult to solve a centuries-old mystery. Prince Malachie wisely avoids the Comtesse de Touraine at all occasions.

Rumors: Prince Malachie shares a relation with his sister, Suzanne du Marais, that is more than brother and sister.

Truth behind the Rumors: This rumor is particularly dangerous, in the sense that Prince Malachie is violently offended at the allegations and implications affixed to it. Even their brother Noussoir du Marais, an off-again on-again member of the Paparazzi Glantri, is staunch in his defense of his sister’s reputation.

Prince Malachie’s Spokesman has officially commented, “Never before has so much attention been pain to a mundaner. The Prince and his sister are very close, and that is the end of the matter. In no way does the relation between Prince Malachie and his sister affect the relation between the relation between Prince Malachie and Dame Diane. It would be an insult to suggest any indiscretions of the kind.”

The Spokesman pointed out that Glantrians are clearly more used to the sibling rivalry among the d’Ambrevilles and the Malapietras, than to actual closeness in a noble family. The Spokesman also mentioned the Krondaharan practice of polygamy, where even sisters can become wives of the same man, which is tolerated—if not accepted—among the Glantrians.

Truth behind the Truth:  Suzanne du Marais is not the Prince’s sister, but his secret and true lover. In AC 1005, centuries-old Prince Malachie du Marais adopted Suzanne as his own sister, to honor the loyal service of her father, the former Seneschal of Morlay, and to fulfill his own need of a family. Another reason he had to fabricate this charade is that  he could not publicly acknowledge his relationship with Suzanne since he had to marry the Vicomtesse de Malinbois to expand his dominion, and thus earn a Principality. Even the Vicomtesse did not know of this ruse, although the present Moriamis does and supports its wholeheartedly.

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