<BGSOUND SRC="butterflykisses.midi.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
These are all our little butterflies that were brought together as a family on October 21, 2006 the day that we wed.
Jasmine   born 12/99
Mercedes  born 5/95
Neal  born 2/94
Robert  born 5/95
Tanya  born 2/92     living with dad in Illinois
Michael  born 11/84
Married, lives in Illinois and has a little girl that was born on 12/04
  Jennifer  born 5/78
Married in Illinois, has a son born on 7/01  No picture available at this time.
  Patches - our latest addition. Adopted 9/06
  Molly - Adopted us on
         July 25, 2007
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