Hints and tips
Devoted to hints and tips for the care, upkeep and saftey of your birdie.
Small bird toys
Medium bird toys
bad,bad, frances
a tale of 2 Cockies..a must read
Basic List of dos and Don'ts for your Birds:
Do remember that your bird is a companion for life.
Do take the responsibility for your companion birds seriously.
Do feed your bird a wide variety of fresh, nutritious and clean foods daily.
Do give your bird fresh clean water daily in a well washed and dried bowl.
Do change the papers or clean the bedding in your bird's cage bottom daily.
Do scrape off organic material in the cage daily and disinfect the cage weekly.
Do wash and dry all food dishes daily
. Do bathe or spray and thoroughly saturate your bird AT LEAST once a week.
Do read as much information about your bird as you possibly can.
Do have your bird checked by a reputable avian veterinarian at least annually.
Do keep your bird's toenails and flight feathers trimmed for the safety of the bird.
Do take your bird outside with you when the weather permits (and wings are trimmed). Be careful for dogs, cats, etc.
Do supervise your bird with children or strangers.
Do supervise all animals when they are around your bird.
Do provide a cage large so that your bird has MORE than enough room to flap its wings.
Do provide different and stimulating toys for your bird to play with and chew
Do remember how intelligent these creatures are.
Do teach your bird to quote Shakespeare and Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Do remember that birds are comfortable with people that are comfortable with birds.
Do wash your hands before and after handling your bird, or cleaning its cage.
Do not feed your bird avocado, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, heavily sailed or greasy foods.
Do not assume that a bird is 100% healthy because it has never been "sick".
Do not bring a bird around your bird that has not been tested first by an avian veterinarian.
Do not allow a bird to fly freely in your home without understanding the potential dangers.
Do not allow your bird to drive your car� keep birds in a carrier at all times when traveling
Do not cook with Teflon around your birds; when overheated it produces a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is fatal to your bird very rapidly. Do not use aerosols or sprays, or scented candles around your bird.
Do not let your bird chew on substances or plants that can be fatal or toxic if ingested.
Do not let your bird chew on unsafe metal - be aware of lead and zinc toxicity.
Do not leave the toilet lid up if your bird is flying free in your home - Birds will drown.
Do not use sandpaper perch covers as they may injure your bird'd feet.
Do not use moth protectors or bug spray anywhere near your bird: they are TOXIC!
Do not smoke, or if you do, do not smoke around your bird, Nicotine is deadly to birds.
Do not cook with a bird on your shoulder. Kitchens can be very dangerous.
Do not purchase toys for your bird that have dog leash type clips or jingle type bells.(Toes can be caught easily in springs and slits.,
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