Battle Hymn of The Cooks

From: [email protected]    As played on the piano at a Cook Reunion on May 29, 1999. 


(Author Unknown)

Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic

The Cooks have dwelt in England, Scotland, Ireland and in Wales;

Where English tongue is spoken now the name of Cook prevails,

How could the nations but progress when Good Cook never fails!

The clan goes marching on!


Glory to our grand old family,

Virile,worthy,brave and loyal!

Glory, "Tu-tum mon-strat i-ter!"

The clan goes marching on!

The Cooks of York, Northumberland, Nor-folk, Bed-ford, and Kent,

To deeds of valor and on missions of import were sent;

And when they pledged their honor everything they said they meant,

The clan goes marching on!

William, Ellis, Gregory, were fathers of our clan:

Posterity of Henry and Elijah never ran.

Mordecai was virile, Nathan' was a sturdy man.

The clan goes marching on!

Sir Samuel was Lord Mayor, Fred' was Chaplain to the Queen;

James Cook discovered islands which white men had never seen.

Cooks love Old Glory, Union Jack and "Wearin' of the Green!"

The clan goes marching on!

The Clan of Cook is mighty with two hundred thousand strong.

In Seventy-Six a thousand kinsmen fought to right a wrong.

Twenty towns now bear our name. Sure, let us sing that song,

The clan goes marching on!

The sons of Cook have courage any task or foe to face;

Our girls are true and lovely with their beauty, charm and grace;

The Good Cook leaven is a blessing to the human race!

The clan goes marching on!

"Cook Book" is fascinating! Man could live without his books,

But all the world would starve to death if it were not for Cooks,

We excel at cooking and are not surpassed in looks.

The clan goes marching on!

There's something strong and mighty in a good old family name;

The name of Cook shines very high upon the scroll of fame,

For those who bear the name of Cook pursue a lofty aim.

The clan goes marching on!

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Other related pages: Descendants of William Cook  - Rev. Joshua Flood Cook - Morgan's Raider's - William Miles Cook - Captain Smith Cook - Shelby Co, KY - Abraham C. Cook - Rev. Abraham Cook - William Cook I - Issac Marion Cook - The Indian Massacre of Hosea and Jesse Cook, April 28, 1792, KY - Will of William Cook - Will of Margaret Cook - Will of Seth Cook  - William Cook Pilgrimage - Battle Hymn of the Cook's 

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