Hancock County, Tennessee

Cook Surname Genealogy

1830 none

1840 none


#147 - 147 Cook, Michael, age 55 (this family has older sons, Henry, William and George) Giving, Samuel, age 33 Information kindly provided by Bill cook [email protected] Bill has more information about these families including: their history back to Burke co, NC, then berks Co., PA and where they came over from Otzwelier, germany as Kochs in 1751.  One of Michael and mary's sons - George Washington Cook went to Kentucky about the end of the Civil War.  There is also War informaiton on Johahtan and David and Joseph Cook as well as their brother in law Jesse Collins.


Cook, Jonathan 26, M, Farming, 500, 400, NC Cook, Wm, 34, M, Farming, 600, NC Cook, David 24 M Farming 800 250 NC


#51 Cook, Martha age 27

#89 Cook, William age 46

To learn more about Hancock Co, Tennessee visit: http://www.tngenweb.org/hancock/

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