St. Louis City Directory Information - 1860

My Connection:  My GREAT GREAT Grandma was Emma Kassell Campbell born ca 1860 - 1865 in Missouri.  Her marriage license listed her maiden name as Cassell while her children's birth and death certificates list various spellings.  Kassell is the most accepted spelling. While her birthplace is listed as Missouri, we believe that some of the family moved to the Chicago area.    The combination of census information and these city directories are being researched in hopes of finding a timeline of where Emma lived and worked.  Born and married in St. Louis, she moved to East St. Louis and that is where all five of her children were born.  Her husband George Scott Campbell died in 1912 and by 1919, she was in St. Louis.  She remained there until at least 1925. She also later in Granite City, Illinois.  

We decided to post all the city directory information for the names that were at least similiar to our  ancestor's surnames - we hope to find more missing relatives.  Happy Hunting to all who visit this site.

1860 St. Louis City Directory

Visit the Kennedy's Page for 1860 / Main City Directory Page / Main Census / Kassell Page / Mom's List / Start Page

Cassel, Ferdinand, dry goods and boots and shoes, 1614 and 1616 Cardt Av, R 2728 Geyer Ave.

Cassel, Frederick, grinder, r 1528 S. 7th

Cassel, Johanna, wid. Frederick, cutlery, 1528 S. 7th

Cassel Julius, cashier, Ferdinand Cassel, r 818 Julia

Cisel, Julia, wid, Norris, r 1423 B'way

Kassel, Andrew, miller, bds 2235 Chouteau Ave.

Kassel, Carolina, wid Christian, r 2821 Salena

Kassel, Charles, cigar 1705 Cardt Av.

Kassel, Christian, sawyer, r r 1317 Monroe

Kassel, Henry, lab Geo Bayha and Co.

Kassel Joseph, piano bds 210 S. 11th

Kassel, Louis, lab bds 800 S. 2nd

Kassel, Medart, engineer, r rear 814 S 4th

Kissel, Conrad, trunks, r Illinois Av. nr Winnebago

Kissel, George, teacher, r 814 Chambers

Kissel, George, asst. city tres. r. Gasconade, cor. Louisana Av.

Kissel, John, lab. r. ns. Montgomery nr W 19th

Kissell, Agnes, wid Joseph r 2204 Buel

Kissell, John, clk J. H. McLean, r 1103 A

St. Clair County Gen Soc sent this information from an 1860 City Directory as well:

Kassail, Albert, laborer, r Congress nr Douchouquette

Kassels, John, laborer, r 199 O'Fallon

Kassel, John, fireman, r alley near Cedar between 2nd and 3rd

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