St. Louis City Directory Information - 1866

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My Connection: �My GREAT GREAT Grandma was Emma Kassell Campbell born ca 1860 - 1865 in Missouri. �Her marriage license listed her maiden name as Cassell while her children's birth and death certificates list various spellings. �Kassell is the most accepted spelling. While her birthplace is listed as Missouri, we believe that some of the family moved to the Chicago area. �� The combination of census information and these city directories are being researched in hopes of finding a timeline of where Emma lived and worked. �Born and married in St. Louis, she moved to East St. Louis and that is where all five of her children were born. �Her husband George Scott Campbell died in 1912 and by 1919, she was in St. Louis. �She remain there until at least 1925. She also lived in Granite City, Illinois. �

We decided to post all the city directory information for the names that were at least similiar to our �ancestor's surnames - we hope to find more missing relatives. �Happy Hunting to all who visit this site.

1866 St. Louis City Directory

Cassel, Ferdinand, (Paul & Cassel), r 305 S. 5th

Cassell, Christian, lab. r. es. Comumbus, bet Soulard and Lafayette

Kassel, Charles, cigarmaker, r 11 Menard

Kassel, Frederick, wagonmaker, W. Drescher, bds. 129 N. 8th

Kissel, George, teller, People's Savings' Institution, r. 469 S. 7th

Kissel, John, barber, r. 111 Carondelet Av.

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