Working Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)
and Automatic People Movers (APM) solutions

   Last updated: 29 Nov 2002    Moshe Flam ([email protected])



Tested high speed (150 MPH) elevated bridge-like rail cars (seating approx 8)

Inventor: Dr. John A. Dearien 

Remarks:        Not much info given except that they are a Department of Energy R&D Lab
in South Idaho and tested in Alameda California, for climbing, speed, computer control, propulsion systems and switching.

Status: Tested “successfully”



Pneumatically propelled APM

Similar to being suspended on a rope, an air column
pushes the lightweight train cars, on steel wheels.

Inventor: Oskar Coester from Brazil. Company in Oakland Ca.

Remarks:       104 seated passenger cars and double standing. Collision prevented, and braking not needed.

                        Elevated, lightweight (relatively), low cost (numbers not given) and easy construction.

                        No moving parts, low maintenance, derail proof, and very safe. Beautiful site full of animations.

Status: Installed in Brazil (test) and Indonesia (theme park) 3.2 miles and 6 stations, for over 9 years and millions of passengers.

Dortmund University view

Siemens SIPEM
Sorry, ich can’t finden der Englisch site, so just see der pictures.

Most famous “conventional” suspended monorail minibus

Status: Installed and working for many years.
             Recently (2002) installed at the Duesseldorf international airport.

Continued development in Austin Texas as Aerorail (High-speed monorail. See ideas page).



Simple Available PRT

Inventor: Ratheon.
Site doesn’t work so hard to get info. Installed in the US?

Acknowledged that they bought solution along with control software from the Ratheon PRT2000 and redesigned.

Quote:Some of the immediate benefits: Low capitol cost. Low operating Costs.No waiting. No Pollution.
No noise. Non stop journeys. Guaranteed journey times. Unobtrusive guideways. Extendable without service interuption.
Safetv critical automatic control system. Small scale offline stations. 4+ seater vehicles. Air conditioned.
Segregated elevated guideways. Travel with companions of your choice. Direct from origin to destination.

PRT 2000 System ConceptStatus: Currently unknown. (Site doesn’t work)



Urban Light TRAnsport

Status: Developed Since 1995, Trial installed at Cardiff Bay, Wales UK.
            Funding: 19.5M Pounds from Government + the EU EFP 5th Framework fund.            

40Km/h.  1/3rd price of light rail.


Sportaxi  Norwegian

Simple PRT  to be installed soon at Oslo (airport changed to) Research Park.


Other Skytran-like Developments:


Doppelmayr Cable Liner  PRT

Personal Detachable cable car reaches 30 Km/h (~18 mph)


            Typically German warning on site says not to use any info or pictures.
            So I won’t. (They do look good)

Status: Tested since 1996. Commercially ordered by Austrian government

Installed in Las Vegas (21 Million passengers safely used in 1st year).

The Mandalay Bay system has a novel method for turning its trains, which is in effect, a mini turntable.



Manalay Bay

Doppelmayr/Siemens Joint Venture one time project rapid transportation


            Specific solution which could may be used further.
            Uses ropeway cable cars for propulsion and “turntables” for change of direction.
            Meant to link Las Vegas’ Boulevard and Mandalay Bay hotels.

Status: Test line at Doppelmayr Austria.


Taxi 2000

Small electric cars on elevated railway


Remarks:        13 years of research at Minnesota University

                        Very thorough FAQ about safety, costs including insurance, and useability.

                        Claim scientifically that heavier load can be put above rather than suspended.

                        Claim maglev won’t make a difference at urban speeds.

                        Claim their numbers and facts are well reviewed and scrutinized.

                        Brush aside congestion issues (stuck vehicles).

                        Argued with Rathion (PRT2000) that they are too heavy. (See YorkPRT)


Completed control software for PRT and software models for several areas.

Full scale model car created.

Financing: Aug 2002  Raised $470,000 privately. Developing full speed ahead.


KoreaPRT For readers of Korean only.

Another spin-off of Ratheon’s PRT2000. (Makers of the Patriot missile) |
Movie shows Ratheon movie with Korean talk.





Non PRT and Technology page




These are the precursor to PRT

Proving that low cost can be achieved. That silent transportation can be done.
That transportation can be aesthetic. That high speed can be achieved.

Proving that transportation can be safe.
(1 known fatal accident, since invention. Picture above, of 100 year old system).



MagLift technology (high speed monorail)

Proven safe and quiet technology

Site includes invitation to discuss using this technology
Magplane tube transport demonstration in Lakeland, Floridawith Steve Guthrie ([email protected])


Maglane Pipeline

With vision for future of large scale cargo and passengers
this company works with Maglev alternative for pneumatic pipes.

Prototype installed at Lakeland Florida.


cybercab.jpg (50240 bytes)CyberCab and ParkShuttle  Holland

Scenic Automatic taxi, automatic cars

Not elevated. Not fast. Useful for shows, events and airports.

Status: Installed and working



Last but not least: Skytran’s rival:


Austalian antithesis to Skytran, claims large cars are better
Arthur E. Bishop (Australian living “Edison”)

9 passengers ideal. (Famous silver train research curve of passenger / cost)

Bishop owns four companies in the transportation field including steering and manufacturing automotive parts sold in
almost every car worldwide. He has various inventions in other fields too. Started this venture in 1998.

70 km/h cruise, 120 km/h max. 9 passengers, 2 AC electric induction motors, Patented derailing prevention,
security camera on vehicles, max wait 4 min., Braking (normal) 0.2g, 20% climb, electric rail, external crash absorb
Status: Preparing for research prototype.

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