In Thailand, over 95% of the population practices Buddhism. The most significant holiday that Buddhists observe is Wesak Day. Wesak Day marks the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. On this day, everyone will gather in the temples throughout the country and pray. Other religions present in Thailand are Islamic, Christianity, and Confuncionism. These religions however are not common and aren�t nationally recognized. As far as national holidays are concerned, Thailand�s culture has been changing right from when they migrated there, and still don�t have a firm set of holidays that everyone observes. Three cultural traits that I discovered were: The Tai�s food is very close to that of Japan � rice, fish, etc., the Tai love boxing and soccer, and that Buddhism influences their lives and their art. I think the Japanese would like Thailand for these reasons because they would be able to relate to the food, boxing is something not very common in Japan and would be interesting to watch, and if the students are into art or foreign culture, the art in Thailand would be great to go see in museums.

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