Hardware: Playstation 2 was the first of the current consoles to enter the market, bringing along with it the already 10 million+ gamers of the PSone. Outselling any console released before it in first day sales, this console is thought to be a favorite to win the sales-number battle. Although this console's graphical power is lack luster, It has a huge software library, along with good third-party support and the huge selling point: backwards compatability. It's £279 price tag puts it in the shadow of Xbox when it comes down to value for money, but with Sony's brand name, It will probably be around for a while.
Software: Theres a mediocre lineup of titles lining the walls of every shop in ireland PS2 and worldwide. Going through the low standard games to find the good games is difficult, but worth it. Games like Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2, etc... make up for bad titles like Gran Turismo 3, Parappa 2,Personally I think sony is a run of the mill games console, and am more of an xbox fan
Summary: Sony's attempt at making a few extra pounds with the Multi-Tap has annoyed gamers everywhere. Four player games are fastly becoming more popular, and having to pay £34.99 for a Multi-Tap, in addition to the £34.95 for extra controlers is a major letdown for PS2 gamers. Memory cards, on the other hand, aren't such a bad pocket drain, as they can be useful in many situations.
Pros: - Huge software library, many titles availlable for £19.99 or less(platinum). - Backwards compatiblity to all PSone gamees and products with the exception of PSone Multi-Tap units. - Straight out of the box DVD playback. (NNo extra hardware required) - Final Fantasy X!
Cons: - Graphics are a let down after viewing Xbbox's unbelievble Halo, or even Gamecube's Smash Brothers. - Many budget titles are low quality. - Graphic power is very poor in comparisonn to it's competition.
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