Here is a short comparison table between NVC (Non Violent Communication) and what we call the language of "Paulish"


Paulish NVC
Paulish allows thousands of feeling words NVC has a more limited list of feeling words
Paulish uses a 0-10 scale for feelinigs. NVC does not use a scale for feelings.
Paulish is based on science, practical experience. NVC has a spiritual basis as well as a practical basis.
Paulish talks primarily about feelings and needs. NVC talks about "what is alive inside you"

NVC uses the terms giraffe and jackal.

Paulish thinks of anger as energy and as a secondary emotion.

Paulish uses "energized" instead of angry.

NVC uses the word anger in the traditional way.
Paulish doesn't talk much about making life more wonderful
(because it was created to focus on talking about pain and painful feelings).
NVC talks about making life "more wonderful"
Paulish is an "open source" language. There is no central authority or institution controling it or its use. NVC is a trademark name controlled by the Center for Non Violent Communication based in the USA.