November 2013, Paulyn moves to a new house of her own, I reboot 1202. 


        Chicken cage was a great invention by The Kentucky Colonel, he created the dimension of 5ft X 4 ft

    X 1ft hell 50 chickens, cages pile up, up, upupupup use less land.


    Hong Kong is the only place in the world without house, there are 3 sorts of chicken cage, a. small; b. very

    small; c. very very small. Chickens are happier, The Colonel paid for them. The most deadly killer is nuclear

    weapon, next is mortgage, Hong Kong people need to pay 30 years half of family income for a very small  

    chicken cage. Civilized people think it is crazy, however, Hong Kong people deadly believe : their economy

    is good.


    Government gives poor people very very small chicken cages which are called public estates, the first project

    was in the 50's after huge slum fire. 1202, the white cloth one,  was my cage in Tsz Wan Shan ( Budda Mercy Cloud

    Mountain ),12th floor, second cage. Tsz Wan Shan project started in 1965, I lived there since 1968 to 1991, the RENT

    was cheap, I could afford by my college government allowance and part time jobs.




     Many shots were by 16mm Nikkor Fisheye, like the corridor above, you know how big the cages could be. My 

     childhood there was a disaster, well, college and early working years were well. I was living alone, I could set

     up a darkroom to print as late as I liked, all black and white old pictures of Paulyn Wong 2005 were printed

     here. Photographers remember D76, D72, Tri-X, Ilford Multi-Grade, my favorite combination. Rapp quite touching.



Sadly, there was no Mimi at 1102 to light my candle, I lighted my own.


     Then walked to a big licenced stall for wan-ton noodles, oyster sauce vegetable, next stall red bean sweet soup, hot or

     cold always ready to serve. Sometimes friends came for hot pot, we couldn't afford fresh sea food, frozen sea food balls

     instead, tau-fu, all kinds of vegetables, pork and thin slice beef, 80's globe warning hadn't been an issue.


     1202 had no crack or sex, Hong Kong young people that time had a vision, we shared ( argued ) on art, social issue,

     religion, of course we talked about money making, but it was one of the topics not all. Those were good days.



The last look, picture was taken in 1991 just before demolition.




          * Left trees was my hell primary school, right a Chinese restaurant, YWCA nursery in the middle, 1202 was in Block 15, behind 14.

           Right ground floor were neighborhood shops before the flood shopping malls, blue and white cages was my hell primary school.




     The most thing I did in college was absent, college not an obstacle of my education, I learnt good photography, English

     at absent time, I did my own things in 1202. I also trained myself, college did not provide. There were two playgrounds

     near 1202. Upper was a dry reservoir fresh jogging air, background another chicken cages block, white Tsz Wan

     Shan Police Station. Lower was a community and school playground, opened to public outside school hour.


     In late 80's Hong Kong Government started a public estate renew project,1202 was on the normal list until the

     crack was very visible, from the ground to 16th. 1202 pushed to urgent list demolished at 1991. That year Hong

     Kong had 5 million ass, today 7 million ass struck on a piece of stone above water, they call in development.


     I wrote Total Recall of My Good Hong Kong Memory at 2012, I like to keep it, it was before 1997.

