Helpful Hints Instructions For Yahoo and Clients


Veiw Menu
From the view menu you can access your never ignore list
the list of users ignored and the emotes all of these willl open
in a seperate window. There are also other options here you
can tick or untick to your preferences.
Users Ignored
Here you can see the users ignored list.
You can go through this list and if you find someone there
that has been ignored and you wish to remove them you can
do this by double clicking on the persons name.
To ignore someone from the room double click the name in
the chatters list or type /ignore name here into the typing area
unfortunately by doing this it will be broadcast to the room
that you have ignored this person if they are currently in the
room at the time if they are not in the room at the time you
ignore them the message will not appear but they will still be
put into the ignore list. Say you are getting booted with invites
or private messages from names not in the room then use the
/ignore name here command to ignore the names that are
being used to boot you. Otherwise double click the person's
name on the list or right click the name and ignore users. If the
person is using voice you may wish to voice ignore them before
putting them on ignore or you will still hear them on voice.
The emotes. There are not many emotes in Ymlite but you
can make your own. Ymlite will always use its default colours
for emotes and doesn't read html or ascii code. Default
colours are red and blue. To make your own emotes follow
the example remember %s is for the persons name you wish
to emote click add emote. If you wish to edit a emote click
the emote you wish to edit make the changes and click the
edit and save button. To emote someone the chatters are
listed on the right hand side click the emote then double click
user you wish to emote this will post the emote into the room.
The ignore emotes unless you want it to be broadcast to the
chatroom whenever you place someone on ignore or remove
them from ignore don't tick these most people get upset if
they know you have had them even accidently on ignore.
Never Ignore
The Never Ignore list will show the people you have added to
never ignore. This is handy for those in the room who always
seem to jump into the iggy bin. You can add users you wish
to from here type their name in the box down the bottom and
click add or you can also delete them if you wish by selecting
the name on the list and click the button delete selected.
Another way to add a user is from the chatters list right click
the person's name go to friends and across to never ignore a
box will open asking if you wish to add this person to your
never ignore list click yes. I find this handy in rooms where
a lot of emotes and smileys are used people are always going
on ignore from the use of them.

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