Marshall's Amazing Wizard Organizer
Dedicated to Sharp Wizard Organizers
Marshall's Review
of the Royal ezVue1
(One Megabyte)
Personal Digital Assistant
Page Two

I carefully opened the package, and spread out the contents
on my desk. In the photo below you can see everything that came
with the organizer: A software cd, the unit itself, the manual,
three disk batteries, a serial sync cable and two extra styli
(there is a third in the side of the ezVue1. In this photo you
cannot see the plastic flip cover, which would cover the top half of
the unit. The keyboard is never covered by the flip cover.

I installed the batteries and turned on the ezVue1, and I was immediately discouraged, because the screen was so dark that I could barely make out the outlines of the graphic "buttons" you must push to reach the various functions of the ezVue1.

After much eye-strain, and studying the manual, I finally figured out which graphic turned on the contrast function, and then was able to lighten up the screen by using the < -- > buttons at the bottom of the keyboard. The screen was now readable, however it is not what I would call a clear and bright screen.

Go to page three of the Royal ezVue1 review:

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