JAPANESE - COMMON WORDS AND PHRASES http://www.geocities.com/pcawizman/index.html Yes - Hai No - Iie Please / excuse me / thanks you - Sumimasen Please (when asking) - o’ Kudasai Good morning - ohayo gozaimasu Good afternoon - konnichi wa Good evening - konban wa How are you? - Ogenki desu ka? I’m fine - Genki Desu Nice to meet you - hajimemashite What is your name? - Onamae wa nan desu ka? My name is - watashi wa Nice to meet you, I am It’s a pleasure - Hajimemashite, watashi wa dozo yoroshiku I don't understand - wakarimasen Good bye - sayonara How much is this? - Kore wa ikura desu ka? That's fine - kekko desu Similar to saying Grace (say before a meal) - Itadakimasu Said after meals, as a compliment. - gochisousamadeshita Thanks - Arigato Thank you very much - Arigato gozaimasu Thank you, when given something. - Arigato gozaimashita Very Sorry - Gomen nasai/sumimasen (said whilst bowing) Sorry - Gomen Bye for now, see you - Ja ne What - Nani Cheers - Kanpai Do you speak English - Eigo wo hanasemasuka? I am English - Igirisu jin desu What is this - Kore wa nan desu ka? Where is the - wa doko desu ka? How far is on foot? - wa aruite dono gurai desku ka? Numbers Zero - Zero One - Ichi Two - Ni Three - San Four - Yon / Shi (yon is more common) Five - Go Six - Roku Seven - Nana Eight - Hachi Nine - Kyu Ten - Ju Eleven - Ju ichi Twelve - Ju ni Twenty - Ni ju Thirty - San ju One Hundred - Hyaku Two Hundred - Ni hyaku Three Hundred - Sanbyaku Thousand - Sen Two Thousand - Nis-sen Ten Thousand - Man Twenty Thousand - Ni man Hundred Thousand - Ju man Million - Hyaku man Billion - Ichi oku More Kyou mo atsui desu ne. kyou:today / mo:too / atsui:hot / desu:is / ne:isn't it? It is hot today, isn't it? Ocha ni simasyou. ocha:tea / ni:(particle) / simasyou:let's Let's have a tea break! Toire wa doko desu ka. toire:bathroom / wa:(particle) / doko:where / desu:is / ka:(question particle) Where is the bathroom? Sigoto wa dou desu ka. sigoto:business / wa:(particle) / dou:how / desu:is / ka:(question particle) How's business? Nomi ni ikouyo. nomi:drinking / ni:(particle) / ikouyo:let's go Let's have a drink!