COMMON SPANISH PHRASES Spanish is the third most widely spoken language after Chinese and English. There are 350 million speakers of Spanish among many different countries and cultures. This list consists only of several words and phrases that are most common when you visit a Spanish speaking country. It is just a miniscule sample of the Spanish language. Information About Pronunciation a is pronounced as is all e is pronounced as is bed i is pronounced as is machine o is pronounced as is orange u is pronounced as is rule ei & ey are pronounced as is vein oi & oy are pronounced as is toy ai & ay are pronounced like y in by au is pronounced like ou in mouse My name is… meh l-yamo… Me llamo… What's your name? komo teh l-yamas? Cómo te llamas? How are you? Komo está? Cómo está? Fine, thanks, and you? Beeyen, graseeas. Y ossteth? Bien, gracias. Y usted? I'm lost? Estoy perdeedo(a) Estoy perdido(a) Thanks for your help. Graseeas por soo ayooda Gracias por su ayuda. Hello./Hi! Ola/keh tal/ Hola./Qué tal! Good morning./Good afternoon. Bwenos deeyas/bwenas tardes Buenos días./Buenas tardes. Good evening./Good night. Bwenas noches Buenas noches. Good-bye. Adeeyos! Adiós. Sorry!/Excuse me! Lo seeyento! Lo siento! Do you speak English? Abla oosteth eengles? Habla usted inglés? I don't speak (much) Spanish. No ablo (mooch) español No hablo mucho español. Could you speak more slowly? Podreea ablar mas despaseeyo por fabor? Podría hablar más despacio, por favor? Could you repeat that? Podreea repeteermelo por fabor? Podría repetírmelo, por favor? Can you translate this for me? Pwedeh tradooseermeh esto por fabor? Puede traducirme esto, por favor? I understand. Ya enteeyendo Ya entiendo. I don't understand. No enteeyendo No entiendo. Do you understand? Enteeyendeh? Entiende? Where is?… Dondeh esta?… Dónde está?… … the bar/dinning room/swimming pool el bar/el komedor/la peeseena el bar/el comedor/la piscina the bicycle la beeseekleta la bicicleta … the bathroom el baño el baño I'd like to pay. Meh traeh la kwenta por fabor? Me trae la cuenta por favor? It is all together, please. Todo khoonto, por fabor. Todo junto, por favor. We'd like to pay separately. Keremos pagar separado. Queremos pagar separado. Is service included? Esta eenkloeedo el serbeeseeo? Está incluido el sevicio? I think there is a mistake in this bill. Kreo keh eye oon error en esta kwenta. Creo que hay un error en esta cuenta. What is this amount for? A keh korrespondeh esta kanteedath? A qué corresponde esta cantidad? That was a very good meal. La komeeda estoobo deleeseeyosa. La comida estuvo deliciosa. How much is it? Kwanto kwesta? Cuánto cuesta? The…doesn't work? …no foonseeona No funciona… …air conditioning/sink/toilet el ayreh akondeeseeonado/el labamanos/ el baño el aire acondicionado/el lavamanos/el baño I 'd like coffee/tea/milk/beer/wine keeseeyera kafeh/teh/lecheh/serbesa/beeno Quisiera café/té/leche/cerveza/vino …ice cream/ chocolate/ vanilla/ strawberry oon elado deh chokolateh/ bayneel-ya/ fresa un helado de chocolate/vainilla/fresa …small/medium/large pekeño/medeeyano/grandeh pequeño/mediano/grande SOME VERY SIMPLE PHRASES Good morning · Buenos dias Good afternoon/evening · Buenas tardes Good night · Buenas noches Hello · Hola How are you? · Cómo está usted? Pleased to meet you · Mucho gusto Good-bye · Adios Yes · Sí No · No Please · Por favor Thank you · Gracias I don't speak Spanish · No hablo español Do you speak English · Habla usted inglés? I don't understand · No comprendo Water · Agua Table · Una mesa Milk · Leche Black coffee · Un café negro Coffee with milk · Café con leche Mineral water · Agua mineral Beer · Una cerveza Coca-Cola · Una Coca Bread · Pan Chips and salsa · Tostadas y salsa Eggs · Huevos Meat · Carne Fish · Pescado Waiter · Mesero The check, please · La cuenta, por favor Pharmacy · La farmacia Bakery · La panadería Inexpensive · Barato Expensive · Caro Where is ... · Dondé está ... Parking · Estacionamiento Stop · Alto Bathroom · Baño Men's Room · Caballeros Ladies' Room · Señoras/Damas Margarita · Margarita! Have a safe and happy trip! Feliz viaje y hasta pronto!