Marshall's Amazing Wizard Organizer
Dedicated to Sharp Wizard Organizers
Hewlett Packard
Jornada 525
Review - Page 1
During the past few years I've used many models of Sharp Wizards,
and several Palm Products. I've seen PocketPC's in shops, but I had
not done a thorough hands on trial of a PocketPC until now.

It is my opinion that no one should need to pay more than $100 for
a good PDA. PocketPC's are expensive! However, I found a used HP
Jornada 525 on EBay for $75 plus shipping, so I bought it.

The chap who sold it to me on EBay gave a truthful description,
and I believe I got a good deal. He packed it up well, too. Here is
a photo of the Jornada box, as yet unopened by me:

After opening the box, I found the Jornada 525,
along with a lot of other stuff:

Included with the Jornada were two CF cards (16MB and 128MB),
three flip-top covers, a leather case, three styli, an AC power transformer,
a sync cable, printed literature, and 2 cds containing the operating manual
in pdf format, some extra software from HP, and Microsoft's
"ActiveSync" software, and a copy of MS Outlook.
This is a lot of good stuff for $75!

Proceed to Page Two of the Jornada 525 Review...

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