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Information Communication Technology

IDRC's Acacia Initiative Announces its Acacia ICT R&D Grants Programme

The GLOBE Program is a hands-on science and educatin program that unites students, teachers, and scientists from around the world in study and research about the dynamics of the Earth's environment.

The Community Telecenter Cookbook for Africa: Recipes for Sustainability is a great step-by-step resource for setting up and operating a community computer center.

COMMUNITY TECHNOLOGY CENTERS: Keys to Successful Planning, Implementation & Sustainability


International Institute for Communication and Development

Eldis ICT for Development Resource Guide

IT's Hot for Girls: ICTs as an Instrument in Advancing Girls' and Women's' Capabilities in School Education in Africa

open knowledge network

Development Gateway

Pedaling onto the Information Superhighway

Hearts & Minds: Information for Change


Epals.com - They offer penpals exchanges with some 190 countries in various langauges.

WOUGNET - Women of Uganda Network

World Computer Exchange

PEP National Directory of Computer Recycling Programs

You may want to take a look at this article on things to consider when accepting used computer donations --> Cyote Communications Technology Tip Sheet

Learn the Net

Digital Development: A Framework for Applying Information Technology to Community Socioeconomic Development by Greg Laudeman, Community Technology Specialist at the Georgia Tech Economic Development Institute

Department of State Washington File: Peace Corps Volunteers will work in Digital Freedom Initiative to share business knowledge and technology expertise. The pilot project will start up in Senegal. Related site.

ISOC Mauritania Internet Society - Mauritania Chapter

Insights - Communicating Development Research

Making technology work: how e-commerce can help South Africa’s small furniture producers

Missing the connection? Using ICTs in education

The Communication Initiative


-- Disclaimer: The content of this web site is a project of the volunteers in Mauritania and does not reflect any official position of Peace Corps or the U.S. government. --
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