West Lake





Hangzhou’s West Lake is simply one of the most beautiful sights in China. Covering an area of 6 sq km with a circumference of 15km (9 miles) the sight of this lake has captivated visitors for centuries. There are green hills on 3 sides of the lakes and numerous pavilions and temples on its shores.

The best way to explore the lake is on foot, by bicycle or by boat. The lake can be crossed on 1 of the 2 causeways which traverse the lake. The Bai causeway (baiti) was named after the Tang dynasty poet Bai Juyi (772-8461) and the willow tree lined Su causeway (suti) was named after Song dynasty poet Su Dong (1037-1101) .


Attractions to visit around West Lake include Gushan (The Solitary Hill), which has a rich collection of, cultural relics and is possibly one of the best places for viewing the lake scenery. Huxin Ting (Mid Lake Pavilion) has attractive grounds and is only accessible by boat. Boats can be hired at West lake and there are also passenger ferries.

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