Chakras are energy centers located throughout our bodies.  They make up the core of our astral bodies.  The word "chakra" literally means "wheel," and this correctly implies that these centers are in perpetual motion.
There are many, many meridians and energy points throughout our entire body.  Healers such as reiki practitioners, acupuncturists, crystal workers, and other such gifted ones know these energy lines and work frequently with them.

However, for basics, there are seven main centers running down the core of the human body.  They are as follows:
1.  Sacrem
The sacrem, the first chakra, is located at the base of the spine: the end of the tail bone.  It's color is red.  This chakra can be likened to the element of fire.  The sacrem is kundalini energy, and your connection to Mother Earth.  This is passsion and sex.  The kundalini energy is like a fire serpend that is coiled at the base of your spine.  When you call upon it, it can rise up your backbone like fire.  This is your connection to fire, and to the Earth.  It is the residence of the fierce feminine.
2.  Second Chakra
The second chakra is located on the lower abdomen, around the bladder.  It's color is orange.  This is the place of family ties and tribal orientation (your place in your society).  This chakra also deals with money issues.
3.  Solar Plexus
The solar plexus is located just beneath the rib cage.  This is the place of your personal power.  This is a place to be kept clean and flowing, but protected.  If ever someone tries to streal your energy, you will feel a tug in your solar plexus.  Issues of self-confidence and esteem are dealt with here.
4.  Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is in the heart.  It's color is green or pink.  This is the place of unconditional love, of compassion. 
5.  Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located, well, in the throat.  It's color is blue.  This is all about your speech, how you express yourself, your voice in the world.
6.  Third Eye
The sixth chakra, the third eye, is located on the forhead, between the two physical eyes.  This is your intuition, your psycic vision.  When we spiritwalk and journey, we use our third eye.  The color of the third eye is indigo, or purple.
7.  Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is located on the very top of the skull.  Its color is white, or purple.  This is your connection to Spirit, to God, to the upper realms.
Sometime chakras get blocked or polluted.  This causes illness, stress, and mental imbalance.  Many of our health problems come from energy blocks.  Things such as reiki, acupunture, crystal healing, and even massage can help keep the chakras clean and flowing.  You can also use meditations.
Here is a simple one:

Simply visualize all the chakras as lotus flowers.  Begin with the crown chakra.  See the flower as a bud.  Slowly, imagine it opening.  See how pure and soft its petals are.  How sweet its smell.  See it in full bloom.  It seems to be radiating light.  Isn't it beauitful?
Proceed down your body, and do this excersise with each chakra.  This opens them, and keeps them healthy, thus keeping you healthy in turn.
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