Greg Canfell
Name: Gregory J Canfell Esquire
Nicknames: Grog, Keg, Can of Grog (get it? Oh stop, my sides are aching!), Canfo, Gregowski, Gregorovitch.
Occupation: Online/Production editor
Tournament Favourite: Bo Derek, with Nick a close second
Tournament Dark Horse: b8 & g8
Favourite Grandmaster: Christopher Lambert in 'Knight Moves'. It's like casting Madonna as the Virgin Mary!
Favourite Game of All Time: Tiddlywinks
Most Memorable Chess Monent: Missing mate in three or winning the queen against Bulgarian GM Velikov in the first round of the 1990 Novi Sad Olympiad
Funniest Chess Moment: Fell, Komljenovic, Korda and Dibley analysing a Kasparov-Karpov game.
Which Celebrity would you like to play and why?: A simultaneous exhibition with Emmanuelle Beart, Sophie Marceau and Madeline Stowe.
[Editor's note: Everyone loves a smartarse, don't they? : - ) Any chance of making it a tandem simul? : - ) ]
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For more details:
Name: Kerry Stead
Email: [email protected]
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